Christian Persecution in Afghanistan

Christian Persecution in Afghanistan is an editorial on what is happening in Afghanistan as far as the persecution of their own people under Sharia law.

Note a few things here.

The “Christians” in Afghanistan are not really my definition of what a true Christian is. They are most probably Greek Orthodox which is a type of religion like Catholicism, and I do not believe they are really saved from my studies of them. Nobody can say for sure about some other person’s salvation, especially without questioning them and seeing their life. But in general, these are not really saved is my take. None-the-less, I would stand with them, because they identify the Bible and Jesus Christ as the center of their religion, and like I say, you just do not know how they understand things, and maybe they have been exposed to enough Bible verses that they do understand enough to be saved.

Secondly, people who identify their religious belief system with the Bible (Old and New Testaments) and with Jesus Christ as the Savior, are loosely called and identified as Christians. This is the same background as the United States, and historically, the US has tried to help those types of people to survive persecution. In the past, asylum claims from people like this being persecuted were given high State Department priority for visas and getting them out of these kinds of situations. What will Biden do? Normally, before foreigners suffering persecution, American citizens are given even higher priority, and Biden is abandoning them in Afghanistan. So Biden will do nothing for those left behind in Afghanistan.