Google against the Truth

Google against the Truth is a informational editorial by David Cox, the webmaster and content creator of this website,

I would like to put forth to the reader of this website the following restrictions by Google on webmasters. This is from the official Google Adsense web pages. I believe that Google is against the Truth. I cannot change Google, but if you would like to see this website continue, you need to know where the money is coming from to pay for it to stay on the Internet. That is, it is coming from donations from people like you who read these website articles.

Note that the only “truth” according to Google is what they think and officially endorse. It will not stop at these few items, but this will be greatly expanding broad categories of things that Google will officially block in the future. First, this step, blocking Google ads on websites that don’t agree and obey Google. Next there will be more items as it is dictated by the liberals and Democrats behind this.

After this, Google will just not list any websites on their search engines that they disagree with, or send that traffic to other places. That is probably already happening, and we just don’t know it yet. The day will come when Google will endorse some religion, may Hinduism, Buddhism, or Catholicism. People who are devout Christians like me will be blocked at every turn.

Note: I pay the bills, at least part of them, for running my websites by using Google Adsense ads. That is now impossible for this website. This website,, would never be approved because of the content conflicts (I explain each one below).


We do not allow content that promotes harmful health claims, or relates to a current, major health crisis and contradicts authoritative scientific consensus. This includes claims that COVID-19 is not real, false claims about vaccines, and unsubstantiated remedies or treatments. Additionally, we also have a policy that prohibits content promoting anti-vaccine theories, which, in recent months, have often accompanied misinformation around the COVID-19 pandemic.

Number one, there is no consensus among scientists on this any more than there is on the topic of Global Warming. Good doctors refute what is coming out of the White House and the Democrat party about Covid 19. Their voices have been smothered out by the main stream media’s blocking techniques, and their flooding the Internet with their own version of things. If they were seriously wanting a consensus of scientists, then why are “their consensus” which they say they have changing what they are saying month to month? There are no studies out there that really back up their proclamations? There are no independent peer reviews? These “science oriented” geniuses don’t have a clue about science. Yet the public is under their dominion. I express opposing views on Covid-19 for people to evaluate. These are my observations for the most part. Yet there are experts out there that support opposing views.

I also link to articles and news that support the “other side” that Google wishes to suppress.

Due to Google's rules, the content of this website makes it invalid for Google monetization through Adsense. If you would like to see this website and its content continue, please consider making some small donation on a regular basis. We have expenses, and I shoulder these expenses alone from my personal income.

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Any amount is welcomed. Please consider repeating your donation in a month or two or making it a recurring payment.

Hateful content

We do not allow content that incites hatred and violence, promotes discrimination or disparages groups of people. This includes content promoting hate groups or content that harasses, intimidates, or bullies an individual or group of individuals.

While I do not promote hate, the terminology used here and the thinking behind those demanding no hate is very peculiar. First of all, they can hate all they want to. Yet when others speak the truth, expressing a different mindset and different bases of authority, that is hate.

As far as homosexuals.

When a Christian bases his life, actions and views on the truth of Scripture, then that is hate to these people. I do not hate anybody. Well, maybe the Devil. But even then, I don’t hate him, I just refuse to accept his ploys and rebellion and turn him over to God to deal with.

But God defines our sexuality, and that is one man with one woman, and no others. Those two can only have a sexual relationship once they are married. If you espouse this position, you are expressing “hate” in these people’s eyes. The homosexuals can despise this pure and wholesome position towards sexuality, but we cannot say anything or we are penalized. Well, I do, and I will be paying for this in the future. See my site , and some specific examples of my writings,

Moreover, under the hate clause, I, as a preacher, cannot condemn any other religion or activity, because they would interpret it as “hate”. I doubt any homosexual writing a blog condemning Christianity would be rebuked by Google for expressing hate. This is not how this thing works. These clauses are clubs to beat people with who refuse to knuckle under to Google.

Due to Google's rules, the content of this website makes it invalid for Google monetization through Adsense. If you would like to see this website and its content continue, please consider making some small donation on a regular basis. We have expenses, and I shoulder these expenses alone from my personal income.

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Any amount is welcomed. Please consider repeating your donation in a month or two or making it a recurring payment.


We do not allow claims that are demonstrably false and could significantly undermine participation or trust in an electoral or democratic process. This includes content about the 2020 U.S. Presidential election that claims voter fraud was widespread, or claims that the results of the election are illegitimate. in its entirety is a website I started in December of 2020 because of the election and the continuing covering up and suppressing of the truth about many matters, not just the election. But if the truth has its heralds speaking it forth, Satan has his “suppressors” Therefore they will not hear nor even consider the facts of the matter, only what “truth” they claim is their truth. Truth doesn’t work that way. Truth belongs to God and is our reality. Truth is working in our world to make things the way that they are. You cannot kidnap truth and redefine it as you want, which is exactly what Google is doing.

Note that Jesus says he is the truth. If you unilaterally hate God and every position, commandment, and everything God states, how can you possibly have or live or be on the side of Truth? Truth is Jesus. I am the way, the truth, and the life John 14:6. So this action by Google is just Satanic.

Due to Google's rules, the content of this website makes it invalid for Google monetization through Adsense. If you would like to see this website and its content continue, please consider making some small donation on a regular basis. We have expenses, and I shoulder these expenses alone from my personal income.

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Any amount is welcomed. Please consider repeating your donation in a month or two or making it a recurring payment.

Helpful Tracts for Church Problems
Spiritual Watchcare is about church leadership taking spiritual care of the members of their church. Job description, administration, etc.
This study is about what the Bible says to those in the care of spiritual oversight of a local church, and the link here is to tracts for those who are considering different aspects of this.
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