Decline and Change of the Democrat Party

Decline and Change of the Democrat Party even Democrats are not liking what the present Democrat Party has morphed into, a terrible monster.

See this post: I’m a true-blue Democrat — but I’ve joined the GOP and back Donald Trump My post is my own opinions and reflections about what this former Democrat Senator from California confesses about her change from Democrat to Republican.

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Understanding the Narcissist, His Self-love

Understanding the Narcissist, His Self-love examines and defines a narcissist, and God’s condemnation on self-love.

See Characteristics of Narcissists

When you read the news, many times you just do not understand why people do what they do, and why they say what they say. There is just a total different way of thinking about things that what “normal people” think and say. A lot of the difference (or sameness in some cases) depends on how egotistical and narcissistic you are. Therefore, to understand the world and the news, you really need to take a deep dive into what a narcissist is, and how they think.

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What Trump has done

What Trump has done is a list of 121 things that President Trump has accomplished against the Democrats constant trying to stop and prevent him from doing anything! If they would have cooperated, think how much better off of country would have been!

Of course, if you are Democrat and your desire and plans are to destroy the United States, make life as miserable as possible for American citizens, and give away everything we have, while retaining nothing good for us, to you Trump hasn’t done any of those things. Point well taken.

(This post was originally published Jan 22, 2021)

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“Truly, this is the end of Democracy”

“Truly, this is the end of Democracy” I examine this cry of many today who just do not understand Democracy nor how it is lived.

This line “this is the end of Democracy” is bing well-worn out in our day. Most recently, I read it in reference to a mother’s group in Charleston South Carolina which is where I was born and raised. The fact that they were concerned mothers, parents, that didn’t want homosexual books in the libraries was the issue. If they complained at the school boards, and they were to win that fight, then the people crying “this is the end of Democracy” would signal that the situation was a crisis and the government and legal people should take over the issue and allow the books at any rate.

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