Democrat politicians are cowards

Democrat politicians are cowards is an opinion by David Cox observing that in many situations it is clear to see the cowardliness of Democrat politicians. From the get-go let me say that not 100% of the Democrat politicians are all cowards, but this is the drift of most of their political party. Likewise, there are some cowards in the Republican party. But there are a lot more patriotic and brave Republicans that Democrats.

Secondly, let me answer the obvious question in this post. Are you against Democrat politicians. No, not all of them. But I cannot seem to find any brave ones defending America, our Constitution, or our way of American life. If I find some Democrat that fits that bill, I will add their name here at the bottom of this post as an exception.

So what about the cowardliness of the Democrats? The general public should not vote for any Democrat into office because of their cowardliness.

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Diligence versus laziness

Diligence versus laziness is a Bible study on diligence and industry versus laziness as it applies to government and their handouts to people. We will look at God’s principles of diligence versus laziness. Also we will study its application to government and their relationship to their people.

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How hard work relates to our expectations from government

How hard work relates to our expectations from government, because a healthy attitude towards work prevents us from becoming slaves to government give-aways. Most people hate to work, working hard or otherwise. They see work as a means to an end, getting what they want in this life. But this is the wrong attitude. God made us to work. Since the fall of Adam, the curse of the “ye shall live by sweat of your brow” has been on us all. But before the fall, God gave Adam tasks to tend to even though he was “in paradise”. Work is necessary. Our bodies become mush if we sit around all day and do nothing.

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