Owning up to Black Errors

Owning up to Black Errors. If we are to reject racism, then when Blacks err, they need to own up to their errors and not hide behind “They are attacking me for being black.”

This present article is a reaction of mine to an article I read in Breitbart.com

My reaction to this article in Breitbart is that Mayor Brandon is like many Democrats, and many blacks among them. Their problem is that they want too much. They are against racism. I, too, am against racism, but let’s not limit the racism problem to racism against blacks, as that is the only racism there is. I grew up in South Carolina, and I lived and went to school with many blacks. Blacks are some of the most racist people in the world. For example, they call each other the n—– word all the time with abandon.

But this is the point, they “can be racist against blacks” but people who are not blacks cannot utter nor think of any slur, slander, or racist comment or somebody will express violence against them. That is unequal, and at its bottom, it is racism.

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