When People Force their way in to Spoil, examines the Bible position about people who force their way into somebody else’s house to take and spoil.
Luke 11:21 When a strong man armed keepeth his palace, his goods are in peace:
Table of Contents
The Globalist Open Borders Mindset
There are people in this world who are promoting a globalist mindset. Part of their plan is to use immigration to facilitate the world take-over by these same elitists. Illegal immigration weakens a nation, because these people are breaking that nation’s laws. That will automatically transfer to other areas where these same people will break more laws, i.e. working without permission to do so. It is a cascade effect. Actually the globalists are pawns in the hands of Satan, and in the Bible, God foresees this world domination by Satan, when he will force the world to worship him instead of God.
There have been arguments proposed that a Christian should be on the illegal immigrant’s side. If we examine the passage of Scripture I quoted above, we find that supporting the illegal alien is really against the Bible.
Luke 11:21 When a strong man armed keepeth his palace, his goods are in peace: Luke 11:22 But when a stronger than he shall come upon him, and overcome him, he taketh from him all his armour wherein he trusted, and divideth his spoils.
Matthew 12:29 Or else how can one enter into a strong man’s house, and spoil his goods, except he first bind the strong man? and then he will spoil his house.
Would Jesus Christ use this illustration if God wanted people to just stand aside and let the robber and thief take what he will? No.
Private Property Principle
The principle here is that of God honors the concept of private property.
Exodus 20:15 Thou shalt not steal.
The entire premise of taking what is not legitimately yours (i.e. stealing) is based on the foundation that what a person labors for and obtains, is lawfully his to do with what he wants. One thing is charity, and forcing a possession from the hand of someone else against their will is the opposite. Stealing is always wrong. Even among thieves, they hate it when some other thief steals from them, even if what is stolen, was stolen from somebody else.
Exodus 20:17 Thou shalt not covet thy neighbour’s house, thou shalt not covet thy neighbour’s wife, nor his manservant, nor his maidservant, nor his ox, nor his ass, nor any thing that is thy neighbour’s.
Moreover, the Bible takes this one step further. It is wrong in God’s eyes to even covet (desire to the point of fanaticism and extremism to obtain at any means) what is not lawfully yours.
Why do Illegal Immigrants force their way in?
The impossible to hide reason is for economic benefit. Foreigners come into the United States illegally, because first, they want what is in the United States, a higher standard of living, even riches. The second reason they come in illegally is that they probably tried legally and got turned down for any kind of entrance they tried. So here, we need to understand the dynamic. When the US government gives them a Green Card or Citizenship, they come in gladly. If the US government denies them that, which is totally in their authority and rights to do, they will take it by force.
This is borne out in bribery. Mafia people come around and extort businesses. They say, “Give us so much money, and we will leave you alone.” If the bribery works, then the person unwillingly gives them what they want. If that doesn’t work, they will just come and steal, threatening again with violence. This undermines society in general. People who have no right to the fruits of your labors are taking things from you which you do not want to give up.
The Problem of an Illegal Alien
Our society is made up of individuals, and the character of those people determine exactly what our society will be. When you see Haiti today, the gangs and criminals have beaten down the police, the judicial system, and the military. Chaos is the result. Not only is everything chaotic, but the simple needs of people are not met. It is not that things cost so much, it is that stores cannot stock products to sell to people.
The real problem with illegal aliens is that they do not obey the laws of the land. You cannot break into a house, and then think the burglary will grab a paint brush and bucket of paint and start repainting your bedroom. That doesn’t ever happen. They break the law and break into your house to plunder. That means take what they want, and if they want, they destroy whatever they don’t want.
This attitude is typical of a thief. While many migrants have come into the US illegally, some are saying that they are now law-abiding citizens. If they were, they would recognize their illegal entry and illegal working, and firstly they would pay back taxes, and secondly, they would self-deport and try to re-enter through legal means. That also does not happen as a rule. It would be obvious to me that nobody pays back taxes unless the IRS has them over a barrel.
But the cascade of evil continues. Many of the illegal immigrants cannot get work without a Social Security number, so they steal a valid number from some legal citizen to use. That leads to identity thief. If a person can do that, then they can open a credit card line of credit in that person’s name and social security number, and once that have maxed out the card, they just disappear and reappear with some other stolen identity. There is no responsibility on their part. They live life in a careless manner, and use the same stealing somebody else’s identity to move away from their problems in a change of identity. (When a man rapes a girl, and he has a stolen identity, he can move 2 states away, change his identity again, and he thinks it is impossible for police to find him.)
Moreover, the illegal alien also seeks government public assistance. Congress has cleared defined that foreigners cannot receive public assistance from the US government. Yet they do this because they are using a citizen’s ID.
There is no such thing as an illegal alien is a “good person,” and he just broke one little law, and once in the United States, he is a model citizen. Maybe police make it difficult for him to do everything in his heart, but the point is, his character is lawlessness. This changes society as more and more of these people enter, and the entire character of society is one of breaking the law if you can get away with it.
What Illegals are Fleeing from?
To be thorough, we need to analyze the conditions of life where the illegal alien was living before he entered the United States. It is completely impossible to believe that a Mexican is living in Mexico making $10,000 US dollars a month in a legitimate job, and he gives that up to go to California to make a fourth of that serving tacos in the street. These illegal aliens are uneducated and lazy people. In all the countries where these illegals are coming from, there are rich people. These rich people are usually extremely hard workers.
But the illegal didn’t achieve riches, because
1) he is inherently lazy, so instead of hard work in his native country, he is wanting to work less and live better simply because in the United States he thinks he can.
2) He is uneducated. He will not learn so that he can have a better life, and he is stubborn in his ignorance.
3) He is lawless. His mindset is that whatever he wants, if he can get it, even though illegitimate means, it is fine for him. The illegal immigrant is actually shocked that more people in the United States don’t take what is not for them to have from the system. Everybody should be on government assistance.
4) The illegal alien steals an American’s job. The idea that somehow his working will not affect anything in the United States is not true. The job market is limited. When high paying jobs are not available (because they have been given legally or illegally to foreigners), that pushes every American citizen into accepting a lower paying job because he has to live. The foreigner can go back to where he came from and work legally. The US citizen would have a lot of problems going into another country to find work. Globalists paint the horrible picture of a Mexican born of illegal alien parents in California going back to Mexico, and how horrible that would be. Yet, most normal US citizens that are generations of being born in the US would find it even more difficult. But the point is, why is that even necessary if the illegal aliens were not allowed into the US nor allowed to work in the first place. People from any other country in the world find it very disturbing when a mass of foreigners come into their country and suddenly and without explanation are rich and powerful, taking control of whatever can provide for the people. If you travel at all in the US, you most probably have stayed in a hotel with Indian owners. I have asked, and these people come into the US and in a very short period of time, they own hotels, shady ones I admit, but still the point is there. Normally, the hotel had US citizens as their owners at one time in the past, but this is just not right.
5) The illegal alien is proud, thinking he has beat the system. He very well may have beat the United States law, but he can never beat God’s law. God will punish him with a bad life. His wicked actions and bad character will return to haunt him in one way or another, and many times in that of his own kids. They will be like their parents, and everything is fine until the child starts stealing and mistreating their own parents. It is too late to turn things around at that time. Many kids will go off into addicts because the carnality of their parents (illegal aliens) is simply satisfy your flesh’s carnal desires. That is your god.
6) Illegal aliens send money back home. If you can get out from under the microscope for a minute and look at the world from a plane view, you will see this problem. X country is poor, and Y country has great riches. That country has riches because the population has worked very hard for many years to get things that way. Things are going good for them, but when the country fills up with illegal aliens, there is a transference of wealth. What the illegal earns is always sent back in some percentage to his family in the place he came from. While it is his property to do with what he wants, but this is a transfer of wealth. What makes the US a target to go and work in, the illegal alien is actually destroying that good thing. At some point in the future, he will find he has made a Thanksgiving turkey out of the goose that laid the golden egg. He has detroyed what he has milked for all his life to get rich from. At the end, if the US economy does come crashing down, he can go back to his country of origin. Maybe he has his money there. But for the US citizens, what do they do? If they try to enter other countries legally or illegally, they are turned away! Even entering into another country to live, they are blocked from working at any good paying jobs, because those are reserved for citizens of that country! Why didn’t the United States do that fro the beginning?
The United States is Capitalist
The concept here is that what is lawfully obtained by a person, the government needs to defend that person’s rights to ownership. It is a failure of government to let all of this pass by. It is a crime when they not only do not do their duty, but they promote the destruction of America.
More articles on Illegal aliens
- When People Force their way in to Spoil
- The Real Problem with Illegal Aliens
- How much do we really want to give away?
- Illegal Immigration and Health Issues
- The Mindset of a Typical Illegal Alien
- Democrats and their Nanny State Mindset
- Migrants have a Home to go to, Veterans don’t
- Migrants come from Messed up countries
- Can Immigrants Vote in our Federal Elections
- Chicago wants to give the vote to Illegal Immigrants
When People Force their way in to Spoil
How Pastors can help their missionaries on Deputation is help from a veteran missionary of over 30+ years on his opinions and suggestions.
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