Category: Communism

Posts about Communism, which is opposed to Capitalism.

Income Redistribution is stealing, nothing else. When the government takes from some to give to others, then that is the definition of stealing.

Income Redistribution is Stealing

Income Redistribution is stealing, nothing else. When the government takes from some to give to others, then that is the definition of stealing.

Robin Hood had it all wrong. Communism takes from the rich, but excuses themselves for doing it because the rich had it coming to them.

Robin Hood had it all Wrong

Robin Hood had it all wrong. Communism takes from the rich, but excuses themselves for doing it because the rich had it coming to them.

Why do we allow China?

Why do we allow China?

Why do we allow China? Is an editorial on why we trade and have interchange with China if we are so “earth good” centered and China is so anti-earth (world’s greatest polluter)?