Good Sources
Category: Immigration
When People Force their way in to Spoil
When People Force their way in to Spoil examines the Bible position about people who force their way into somebody else’s house to take and spoil.
Why Illegal Immigration is Wrong
Why Illegal Immigration is Wrong is an explanation as a Christian why we are against illegal aliens entering and working illegally.
The Real Problem with Illegal Aliens
The Real Problem with Illegal Aliens explains an in-depth view of this problem, understanding the thinking of politicians and the
Waiting in Line to Get in
Waiting in Line to Get in is an analysis of our immigration system, and what can we do to fix the problem so that it goes away.
How much do we really want to give away?
How much do we really want to give away? I look biblically at charity, and what limits should we understand on our charity as a country.
Illegal Immigration and Health Issues
Illegal Immigration and Health Issues examines the true problem behind illegal foreigners bringing in diseases which infects farm livestock.
Why do Democrats give non-citizens the Vote?
Why do Democrats give non-citizens the Vote? is an opinion piece on comparing non-citizens to citizens, and why there is a fundamental difference.
Illegal Immigration will Bite Democrats
Illegal Immigration will Bite Democrats discusses the error in the Democrats illegal immigrants election overturning plan.
Catholicism supports Illegal Immigration
Illegal Immigration is supported by our Government is an article by missionary David Cox on the Catholic element in American illegal immigration.
Trumps Remain in Mexico Round Two
Trumps Remain in Mexico Round Two are my comments about President Biden’s return to President Trump’s Remain in Mexico policy.
Biden & Trumps Remain in Mexico
Biden & Trumps Remain in Mexico is an editorial article on the Federal Judge reinstating Trump’s remain in Mexico law.
Democrats and their Nanny State Mindset
Democrats and their Nanny State Mindset is a post about how the Democrats approach governing, and why it fails and is wrong.
Let’s not Separate Migrant Families
Let’s not Separate Migrant Families is an opinion piece that examines the false bleeding heart argument of reuniting immigrant families.
Why Hispanics are turning Republican
Why Hispanics are turning Republican examines the phenomena of Hispanic immigrants that are citizens now, turning from the Democrat party to the Republican Party.
Is unlimited Immigration a Human Right? NO!
Is unlimited Immigration a Human Right? NO! From a religious perspective, we analyze the open door policies and illegal immigration.
Do Illegal Aliens have a Right to Anything in the US?
Do Illegal Aliens have a Right to Anything in the US? Reasons that illegals shouldn’t get government assistance and should enter legally.
Border Crisis Fix Make them Pay
Border Crisis Fix Make them Pay is an article on how to “fix America’s border Crisis”, exploring factors or elements that will change things.
The Difference between Charity and Obligation
The Difference between Charity and Obligation explains some thoughts about giving and receiving charity, and what the recipient should give back.
Why do Immigrants get any Welfare or Service?
Why do Immigrants get any Welfare or Service? We explore the question of giving away free stuff to foreigners living within our country.
Migrants come from Messed up countries
Migrants come from messed up countries is an article about musings on where all these immigrants are coming from and what they are bringing with them to America.
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