Category: Presidency Trump

News articles on things of interest in Donald Trump’s presidency.

What President Trump Accomplished #1

What President Trump Accomplished #1

What President Trump Accomplished #1 is a list of things that President Trump accomplished in his first term.

President Trump's Achievements

President Trump’s Achievements

President Trump’s Achievements since the Democrats hate President Trump, it is good to review and remember what President Trump has done in his term, that greatly benefited the American people.

The Blessings of Trump Losing 2020 a brief musing about Pence's loyalty and true colors to the principles of our country.

The Blessings of Trump Losing 2020

The Blessings of Trump Losing 2020 a brief musing about Pence’s loyalty and true colors to the principles of our country.

Trump's Mar-a-lago classified documents

Trump’s Mar-a-lago classified documents

Trump’s Mar-a-lago classified documents is a focus on Trump’s authority to classify and declassify any document he wishes.

Trump Administration Accomplishments thenationalpulse

Trump Administration Accomplishments thenationalpulse

Trump Administration Accomplishments thenationalpulse is a collection of President Trump’s accomplishments during his term as president.

Donald Trump President

President Donald Trump

President Donald Trump profile of his personal details and activities and positions.

President Trump's Victories continued #3

President Trump’s Victories continued #3

President Trump’s Victories continued #3 is a continuation of the accomplishments of President Trump.

Trump as a One-Term President Would Become DC's Nightmare

Trump as a One-Term President Would Become DC’s Nightmare updated!

Trump as a One-Term President Would Become DC’s Nightmare is my analysis of Mr. J.B. Shurk’s article from American Thinker.