Good Sources
Month: February 2021
Trump Invites Troops to his Hotel
Trump Invites Troops to his Hotel in DC. This opinion expresses my feelings about President Donald Trump.
Biden Unity Hypocrisy
Biden Unity Hypocrisy is an opinion piece about the Democrats Biden false claim of wanting unity.
Was the Election Illegitimate?
Is the Election Illegitimate? Is a thoughtful article about lightly declaring an election illegitimate comparing things from one to another.
Statistic evidence against 2020 election results
Statistic evidence against 2020 election results is an examination from various sources that indicate that the circustantial election evidence points to a fraudulent conclusion.
Statistic evidence against 2020 election results is an examination from various sources that indicate that the circumstantial election evidence points to a fraudulent conclusion.
Frontline News for 2020-12-09
Frontline News for 2020-12-09 has interesting articles I have read over the few days.
Trump Administration Accomplishments thenationalpulse
Trump Administration Accomplishments thenationalpulse is a collection of President Trump’s accomplishments during his term as president.
Failure Kings of Politics
Failure Kings of Politics is an editorial on politicians that just completely are failures at what they are supposed to be experts of.
Is Global Warming Happening?
Is Global Warming Happening? Is Climate changing really happening the way the spin experts are saying? No. There is the common ups and downs of weather happening which always happen, but no global warning.
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