Frontline News for 2020-12-09

Frontline News for 2020-12-09

Frontline News for 2020-12-09 has interesting articles I have read over the few days.

China now claims India is original source of Wuhan Coronavirus

This attempt to rewrite history shows that China remains a pariah among nations. 

Last week, I reported that China was blaming Italy as the original source of the Wuhan Coronavirus.

Apparently, the level of skepticism was high on that assertion. So now, Chinese officials are pointing to India as the source of the novel virus.

In a way, China’s efforts to blame-shift to India makes more sense than its targeting of Italy. We have been covering the territorial dispute along the China-India border, located near the ‘Bhutan tri-junction’, where the borders of China, India, and the tiny Buddhist Kingdom of Bhutan meet, since this summer. Now, new satellite images have built-up in this area.

However, so far reasonable people and credible scientific authorities aren’t buying into this new theory.

Instead of a blue wave, Democrats got a ‘red tsunami’

A Democratic gain of 10 to 15 seats, or even as many as 20, was how the media-Democratic axis foresaw the election’s result. The Republican surge was especially unusual because a Democrat captured the presidency. I don’t remember this as having ever occurred in modern times. But that’s one reason it was such a surprise.

There’s some disagreement over what caused the split in outcomes. The predominant view is anti-Trump Republicans declined to vote for President Trump but then voted for Republicans in House races. Walter Shapiro, however, believes millions of Democrats were encouraged to vote early by mail and did so, only to skip down-ballot races they knew nothing about. Thus, House Democrats suffered.  Preelection, Democrats had a 35-seat advantage. Post-election, it’s shrunk to less than half that.

Most painful for Pelosi, she won’t be free anymore to dismiss Democratic centrists and ignore their objections to liberal policies. She’ll need their votes and will have to humor them. Progressives and socialists won’t like this. 

Wasserman was impressed by GOP challengers. All 13 who ousted Democrats “were women and/or minorities.


My Tracts on Church Attendance
The first and foremost reason to go to church is because God commands us to do so (Hebrews 10:23 Let us hold fast the profession of our faith without wavering; (for he is faithful that promised;) 24 And let us consider one another to provoke unto love and to good works: 25 Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as the manner of some is; but exhorting one another: and so much the more, as ye see the day approaching.).
Coming in behind that direct command of God, we go to church in order to worship God Himself. How? Simple. We hear the Word of God actually read and carefully explained, and then we assimilate those principles y exhortations into our personal lives, and that is worship. Without those elements, there is no worship, and there is no success at "going to church." It is fruitless spiritually, and without spiritual benefit to your life, you will get discouraged and stop going, stop being committed to it, and it will ruin your life because you are a hypocrite.

Tracts on Church Attendance
ch22 Pastorless Flocks
ch17 Why do I Attend Church?
ch15 Congregating because we Love
ch14 Finding a good church
ch09 Our One another Relationship
ch43 Time to leave your church?
Also see my article on Getting People to Faithfully Integrate into the Church.

Author: Pastor Dave

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