Month: January 2021

Donald Trump President

President Donald Trump

President Donald Trump profile of his personal details and activities and positions.

Adam Schiff US Senator

Adam Schiff

Adam Schiff profile. On this page we will give background information and recent news events on Adam Schiff, and his activities and positions.

Constitution Overview

Constitution Overview

Constitution Overview is an overview of how our Constitution should be related to political and legal activity in our country.

Is White Supremacy Valid Right?

Is White Supremacy Valid, Right?

Is White Supremacy Valid, Right? is an opinion by David Cox clarifying the difference between White Supremacy (like KKK, Arian nation, etc) versus the color of skin you were born with.

Robert Byrd's relationship with the KKK

Robert Byrd’s relationship with the KKK

Robert Byrd’s relationship with the KKK is a clarification about Joe Biden’s friend Robert Byrd and his relationship with the KKK.

What Trump has done

What Trump has done

What Trump has done is a list of 121 things that President Trump has accomplished against the Democrats constant trying to stop and prevent him from doing anything!

President Trump's Victories continued #3

President Trump’s Victories continued #3

President Trump’s Victories continued #3 is a continuation of the accomplishments of President Trump.

Understanding the 25th Amendment

Understanding the 25th Amendment

The 25th Amendment was made to make a direct replacement of the acting President of the United States when for…

Kamala Harris on the Hot Seat

Kamala Harris on the Hot Seat

Kamala Harris on the Hot Seat is a reaction to a piece in about Kamala Harris. They are right on target as far as the problem Kamala Harris is going to have in a few days.

Complaints Trump will continue in Politics

Complaints Trump will continue in Politics

Complaints Trump will continue in Politics coming from the Democrats are truly hypocritical.

Trump as a One-Term President Would Become DC's Nightmare

Trump as a One-Term President Would Become DC’s Nightmare updated!

Trump as a One-Term President Would Become DC’s Nightmare is my analysis of Mr. J.B. Shurk’s article from American Thinker.