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ch27 Tithe Is it biblical to tithe? v2
makes the biblical case for giving to God's work. Topics: The Principle of Giving to God | What is the Tithe? | Why do we tithe? | Is Tithing for the NT?
Read the tract online: ch27 Tithe Is it biblical to tithe? v2
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ch20 Baptists: Why we call ourselves Baptists v.1.2 Baptists: Why we call ourselves “Baptists”? What does “Baptist” mean? An honest explanation of why we are Baptist.
Topics: John the Baptist | What the name “Baptist” does NOT mean | (1) The Authority of the Bible | (2) True Baptists demand an exclusively saved membership. | (3) Soul Liberty | (4) The Priesthood of Every Believer | (5) There are two Ordinances: Baptism and the Lord’s Supper | (6) There are only two official church offices: Pastor and Deacon | (7) The Autonomy of the Local Church | (8) Separation of Church and State – Some groups put this under point number 7, saying they do not receive state funds or support.
coxtracts ch20 Baptists: Why we call ourselves Baptists v.1.2.
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