Trump is pulling Weeds out the Garden

Trump is pulling Weeds out the Garden examines what to expect from Trump’s DOGE actions, and how to respond to this.

I imagine that the actions of Donald Trump are like that of a farmer pulling weeds out of his garden. When somebody else was supposed to take care of that problem, and they didn’t for a long period of time, then the farmer gets mad and starts pulling weeds out left and right. The ground is going to be disturbed. Maybe even the crows are going to get upset that their feeding frenzy is over, and they will go cawing and making a lot of noise.

What our Reality is

When I consider what is coming out from the DOGE revealing the abuses of the US government, it is extremely galling to me that so many liberals and Democrat brainless talking people have criticized our government and our history. With what we as a country have funded around the world and intensively in the United States, how can people claim we have a black heart?

We, as any nation is, are limited with what we can do. We have done MAGA in the past towards other nations and groups. World War II was not our fight, but we stepped up to make it our fight because we saw injustice, and it was winning. So that spirit is the spirit of America. We cannot deny that, and if you want to label it as white-supremest, misogynist, white men, or Christian, so be it. But it steps up to injustice and fights against it. That spirit well saturated the founding fathers, and we would do well to live up to it and to continue it in our day.

Within this spirit is a generous spirit, of doing good to others at the sacrifice and expense of ourselves. But this generous spirit has been abused. (By whom? The swamp, both Democrats and Republicans who are, well, let’s just put the right shoe that fits here, that are politicians.)

Abuse has been Rampant for much time

From the revelations of DOGE and the reactions of the swamp, this abuse has been well entrenched (weeds with really deep roots) for a long time in our government. The key here is to remember two things: (1) our government is a representation of we the people, and they are answerable to we the people. Our Congress is supposed to vote and make laws dispersing tax dollars. That is the way our system works from the founding fathers.

When Congress makes these laws financing things, it is a certain amount of money, for a certain period of time, and to a certain group of people, and most importantly, for a certain defined purpose, and that purpose is in the law when it is made. When politicians (looking at you Democrats and Rhino Republicans) divert these laws in any of their defining point (above), then fraud has happened. It is a crime. It is the right and obligation of the House of Representatives to make funding laws, the Senate ratifies these laws. But it is the Executive branch that implements these laws, but it has little influence on the Congress except to ask, suggest, question how, when, where, who, etc. so that the Executive Branch can execute these laws of Congress.

So when we hear all this complaining, griping, and insurrection talk (wait a minute, did the Democrats project what they were planning to do, cause an insurrection, on the J6ers? Yes. If they say no, then let them support Trump’s directives.) why are we hearing this? The President of the United States has the task of executing the will of the people as expressed in the Congressional laws. Is there some kind of problem with this?

There should be an Uproar

There should be an uproar over what is happening, but not that Trump is cleaning house of these weeds, but that somebody dropped the ball 40-50 years ago in cleaning the weeds out of the garden! (Paul Rand, you were there from way back calling attention to you, so thank you for all of America).

How can people really be suffering economically in America and complain when we stop giving our tax dollars to people in other countries that hate and try to destroy America any way they can?

When you pull weeds, you will agitate the earth

When you pull weeds out of a garden, especially when they have been allowed to grow deep roots, you will agitate the dirt. This is normal. What amazes me is not that these groups are upset with the threat of being cut off, but what amazes me is that somehow they think that some suffering US taxpayer is going to cry because a group of 4 or 5 gay men who formed an organization and Biden’s White House granted them 20 million dollars a year. Duh?

I remind people, the United States is not irreligious, but upholds the belief that religious people (however stupid they may be) have a right to practice their religion with the government disturbing that practice. When the rights of their people, or other people are violated, then yes, the government has a responsibility and obligation to enter forcefully and stop that abuse. For example, if a religious group kills 5 years in their group, then it is the government’s obligation to intercede and stop. Detain that from happening. That is what happened with Jim Jones and David Koresh (Branch Davidians). Oh, wait a minute, I am wrong. That only happens when the kids are older, because if they are still in the womb of their mother, then an abortion is okay and promoted. Right. I am being factious here, but there is a very just cause for government to prevent and punish abortions.

What should be Expected

The Democrat party has proposed that only they are the true “good governors” of our government. The Republicans are horrible, despicable, and to be detested and opposed at every turn. Note that this may have been the Democrat thinking all along, but since Barack Obama, it has been “in your face” hate and opposition. Okay, you can do that. But just shut up when the tables are turned, and you are the ones being stonewalled in government!

Here I take to task all those phony Republicans (the Rhinos) that purport to be Republican but done hold and practice in their Congressional voting for true ideals that bless the nation and do not harm us. (I note Bush is chummy with the Barack Obama and Bill and Hillary Clintons. Birds of a feather.)

But my question is, why didn’t the Democrat party really clean out the swamp when they had control? Maybe the answer is as obvious as the nose on your face, because they caused and wanted the swamp. If this DOGE investigation goes on, I really believe that there will be a looping that is noticed. Democrats want the Ukraine war, and they want the US to donate billions constantly, because (1) the defense contractors that make these weapons are giving big campaign donations to the Democrats who keep us in eternal wars. (Looking at you, Rhino Liz Cheney. The Republicans have this same problem.) (2) Zelensky is undoubted making 100s of millions of dollars of donations through proxies to the politicians that are helping him. Money gets donated to Ukraine, and returns to the US campaign coffers of those politicians who voted for it.

These are weeds. They need to be removed, and what farmers do with weeds is pull them out of what makes them grow, and then put them in the sun to be dried out, and then burnt. The sun part would be in public exposure. I am sure that the poor and suffering American citizens who cannot keep their head above water in our recent economy are really aching when hearing all the money that we had in the US Treasury, and where it ended up.

But the weeds need pulling. Doing that is going to take time because they are deeply rooted (the swamp) and the swamp is fighting tooth and nail to stop what Trump is doing. Again, why didn’t the Democrats clean up this mess when they were in power? It belies the good or bad of what Trump is doing. In other words, the US taxpayer (majority) do not consider any of these abuses as okay. If you are gay, maybe all that money to promote their gay lifestyle would suit them, but they have their gay religion, and the US government should not promote any religion, especially a fraction that is not the majority. Consider if the US government were to give billions upon billions of dollars to the Mormon church, or the Jehovah’s Witnesses. Would not that be a great infraction of this principle of not promoting a religion.

Uh. Got me again. Yes, we are doing that with the Catholic NGO charities. They say they are helping illegals, but they are lining their coffers with US taxpayer dollars. An illegal has broken the law. It is against the law to harbor, help, hide, or in any way defend them. Yet that is exactly what these Catholic NGOs do. DOGE is going after them also.

What happens after weeds are pulled?

In a normal situation, it takes time, but the good seed grows abundantly. There is bounty thereafter. We can expect this if Trump is not stopped. Normal Americans will be getting along better. But this will take time. This means that MAGA has to continue through Trump’s four years, and into the next 20. Moreover, the American people must step up in 2 years, and vote a supermajority in the Congress for the MAGA movement. So we have a while, and then it will be 2024 all over again?

No. In March 2025, there is a funding deadline in Congress, and a new funding for the government must be passed by the Congress. The Democrats must vote for this or the government will shut down. They are already lining up to push the government to shut down. The swamp always comes through in the old days, because they get all the largess from stuff like USAID. But now, they are getting their funding cut, so expect this funding bill to be a disaster. The Democrats want America to be hurt, die, and get buried (national debt buried). They want to hurt “we the people”. That is their drive, their goal. We can see that by what they promote and cause.

So you ask why is Donald Trump doing so much, so fast, and so furious? Exactly, we have about a month and fraction before the fight gets bloody again. Americans can put a lot of pressure on their politicians to give Trump the right of way to do what he is promising to do, and is accomplishing.

The Democrats are already whining that Trump is not fulfilling his campaign promises, because the price of eggs hasn’t gone down. (Would Joe Biden ordering the slaughter of millions of chickens before he left have anything to do with that?)

But the trick here is that capitalism works. Everybody in Communist and Socialist countries want to get into a capitalist society, to be benefitted, and then take what is not theirs and then destroy the Capitalist system. But in a true free market system, it takes time for the economies to work out what is best. Chicken farmers are already hatching more egg laying chickens, but how long before they will meet this challenge? A little bit of time.

Trump’s Policies don’t Work, or Do they?

The problem with all this anti-MAGA rhetoric is that we already know what Trump is. He is a known commodity. We can only guess in horror what Kamala would be doing if she had won. But Trump’s first term saw great benefits for the economy and the nation. You can only assume that with the same philosophy and policies, the same thing will repeat itself.

You have to always compare Trump with the Democrats. What did 4 years of Joe Biden prove about their superior governing? It stinks.



Trump is pulling Weeds out the Garden

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Author: Pastor Dave

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