The Liberal Messiah Complex

The Liberal Messiah Complex examines the way global alarmists want to save the planet from climate crises.

Conservatives do not want to destroy the world but live in peace.

Definition of the Messiah Complex

The messiah complex is a mental state in which a person believes they are a messiah or prophet and will save or redeem people in a religious endeavour. The term can also refer to a state of mind in which an individual believes that they are responsible for saving others. –

Those who are involved with Christianity or know its concepts, understand that the Bible refers to the “Messiah” as that special person who will save mankind from their sins. That is the most important point in anybody’s life. The successful relationship with the Messiah will determine the eternal fate of the individual, heaven or hell.

Matthew 24:24 For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall shew great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect.

God warns us to not fall into the trap of accepting, believing in (having confidence in what they say), or following a false christ. This is a person sent from Satan, without the truth, who will drag us away from the truth of God and reality into their world of falsities and fantasies. There are many levels of deception and false statements involved in this, and we need to understand it well to avoid harm to ourselves.

World Destruction is nothing if you lose your Soul to Hell

There needs to be an understanding of scale. God talks about global destruction of mankind at the end of history, and the people who do not receive Jesus as their Savior will be sent to heaven or hell (Luke 16, rich man and Lazarus for example). But when you consider the global alarmists cry that our world is doomed, you need to analyze what these people are saying, and what they mean (what they believe behind their words).

Firstly, they are trying to make “their crisis” greater than a man’s soul going to hell.Their message of salvation” (their gospel, see Galatians 1:8) is greater than obeying God, accepting Jesus as their Savior, living righteously, etc. Climate alarmists are commonly seen disrupting traffic, destroying things (throwing soup on old famous paintings, etc.). The destruction of the world in the world-wide flood and the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah are events that were just such a crisis. Yet, humanity lived through them by the grace of God.

The very people who are using this ploy of the Devil (climate change) are easily identified as people with low morals. They lie, they do other things that displease God. They just don’t care. Consider who you listen to because a lot of wisdom has to do with who you believe, and identifying who are the untrustworthy and problem-laden people (not understanding correctly our reality), and refusing to follow what they do or exhort you to do. But whatever their moral makeup is, they are not people concerned with the salvation of people’s souls from hell.

Secondly, their predictions “ring hollow,” i.e. are just wrong. This means that their predictions just don’t come to pass.

I grew up in a seaport. Docks are hooked to posts in the dirt, which do not go up or down. With the tides, the floating  docks go up and down with the tide (twice a day). But some are stationary, and they are set to be safe at the highest tide. If the glaciers have been melting and sea level has been constantly going up, then why are there docks that are hundreds of years old do not have water overflowing their decks? It is very simple to verify. Go to a seaport that was built 200 years ago, and examine its docks, and see how many times in those 100 years people have had to raise their docks and rebuild them higher.

See on maps of coastlines how much land is reclaimed by a rising sea. I have never seen that anywhere in my life. That doesn’t happen. Barrier islands are deposits of sand brought by the tides and carry away by them constantly. They are cyclical, i.e. they are forever in a state of change for month to month. The seasons determine much, like a hurricane can erode most of a barrier island. But highly accurate satellite maps of coastlines really do not see a constantly encroaching sea making what is “shore” retreat further and further inland. In one hurricane in South Carolina, people fled the barrier islands because of the storm surge. They went inland some miles. The hurricane turned and caught them off guard, and the storm surge did come those miles inland. But the next week, everything was back to normal as far as tides and sea level.

Anyone really sharp and paying attention would immediately discern a serious problem when these global climate alarmists started with global cooling, and then they flipped their narrative to the polar opposite, global warming, and then finally to climate change (because they cannot definitely say which it is, and you cannot have both at the same time). You cannot drive an extremist tent stake into the hearts and minds of the world with one issue, then flip it to the opposite.

Barak Obama pushed global climate change as a certainty, yet he bought a million-dollar house a few feet above sea level. If the sea is rising at the rate of a few meters every 10 years, why would he buy land (millions of dollars in a house that would be destroyed shortly) at the sea shore? You can “pubicly posture” all you want, but the actions of a person’s life speak louder than talk. He knows all that is a lie that the Democrats are using to scare people into voting for them.

Finally, going to a position that doesn’t explain anything (“climate change”) means you just do not understand the issues at all. Zero, zilch. Our world has been known for climate changing constantly, day to day, and season to season, and different years are just different one way or another. Their reasoning and arguments don’t explain anything. It is a religious faith that they have, and it should not be foisted on America in general.

I still insist, when did Congress vote, or a general whole United States total-population-vote happen that decided that we are under a climate crisis? The Democrats decided that on their own. As with every law of our land, it has to go through Congress, and there it is studied, analyzed by experts, giving a hearing to opposing positions, then debated BEFORE the US government takes wide-scale actions consensus action.

If that had happened BEFORE Biden imposed their Green Plan on the US, then the problems we see now with electric vehicles would have put the brakes on the large out lay of trillions of dollars on these ridiculous plans. They broke protocol of how we are governed, and therefore, those public servants who were involved in this should be banded from government. Moreover, the American people have paid for this through tax dollars, and the people involved (Democrat politicians) should be pursued for monetarily repaying what their idiot assertions have caused the American people.

Deuteronomy 18:22 When a prophet speaketh in the name of the LORD, if the thing follow not, nor come to pass, that is the thing which the LORD hath not spoken, but the prophet hath spoken it presumptuously (pride, insolence, arrogance): thou shalt not be afraid of him.

Jeremiah 23:16 Thus saith the LORD of hosts, Hearken not unto the words of the prophets that prophesy unto you: they make you vain: they speak a vision of their own heart, and not out of the mouth of the LORD.

Reality is what comes out of God’s mouth. Lies are of the devil.God specifically commands us to “no be afraid” of these people. Their lies are not truth, and they have no evidence of being truth. Science is not what people affirm is so, but what anybody anywhere in the world can reproduce because it is reality. You cannot even get the same computer generated model results unless you program your computer model with the same parameters that these people use. These parameters that give you their results are extremely questionable.

So the article I cited in Breitbart outlines their predictions, complete with dates when this will happen, and their predictions obviously have not come to pass.

  • Al Gore has history of climate predictions, statements proven false – Gore said there was a 75% chance the entire north polar ice cap would likely be gone by 2016…
  • Says Al Gore said in 2009 that “the North Pole will be ice-free in the summer by 2013 because of man-made global warming.” Fact-checking claims that Al Gore said all Arctic ice will be gone in the summer by 2013…
  • Wrong Again: 50 Years of Failed Eco-pocalyptic Predictions – “Progressives want to save the planet. But their “salvation” ends up being just as bad or worse than their doomsday predictions.CA fires for example. If they were caused by man’s ignoring recycling, then why didn’t those enlightened ones see the fire risk and demand more dams be built and high reserves of water always kept? CA starves their people on the energy front but wastes water reserves. How climate crisis minded is that? No, much. For a salvation to happen, the danger has to accurately addressed first. In the Bible, you start with man’s sinful moral nature. But we are talking about CA here. Morally, they are the lowest. Climatic crises that wipe out, destroy and kill are acts of God. Like the flood and fire falling on Sodom and Gomorrah. Maybe Californians should focus their extremism in prohibiting moral sins in God’s eyes rather than recycling and no fossil fuel use.

So our real problem is that the populace of the United States is gullible to believe these liars. They seek to shake and move people by their warnings of destruction (fear mongers). These issues tend to sideline the real problem of the spiritual filth of people, sin, and their refusal to seek God.

Why the Messiah Complex?

These people are motivated not in saving the planet or the people on the planet, but they are motivated by the power and control that they can gain by being chicken little screaming, “the sky is falling“. The same principle in a child’s storybook.

When you reject the true Messiah, Jesus Christ, fully God and our Savior, then that person’s judgment is impaired from then on. This is seen over and over again in our day. Once “a switch is turned on or off” inside a person’s brain, then they cannot reason correctly until they return to that point and reverse it.

If Al Gore’s prediction that the world’s polar ice caps will melt by 2013, and that doesn’t come to pass (we are more than 10 years after that after some years of declining polar ice mass, we are now in another period of growing ice mass) then his analysis of the situation and conclusion is just wrong, i.e. does not agree with reality. You do not defend wrong, you re-evaluate all your first analysis evidence to find out where you went wrong. That is scientific.

But these people are not scientists. The true scientific community insists on all experiments being repeatable by anybody in the world, and erroneous presumptions are where other unrelated scientists make the corrections. Scientists well know that debate and independent repeating of tests with the same results are essential before anything can be transitioned from a theory to proof. The climate crazies suppress, deny, and attack any other scientist that disagrees with them. Opposing voice are surpressed. That is unscientific.

This focuses on a key aspect of a false prophet, they are haughty, arrogant, and always right and condemn anybody that disagrees with or reveals their errors.

It is not just that they made a calculation, and they are wrong. These people fit the profile of deceivers that knowing the truth, they hide the truth, reject the truth, and promote falsehood. Anyone who believes what they say is endangering themselves.

Some more Religious Related Works on False Prophets

Spiritual Change is our Goal
is a post about what leaders and preachers should be focusing on in our churches. Making people into the image of Christ.
Topics: What should be our Focus | The Key | Change is our Goal | The Pastoral Requirement.
Excerpt: In the ministry of God's work, the laborers need to have a clear head and a very narrow focus in order to please God. We do not have the liberty to do what we want to do per se, but rather we are servants of God to fulfill His work in His way and in His timing. The work of God is clearly defined in the Bible as the salvation of souls and their subsequent sanctification.
Read Article: Spiritual Change is our Goal.

Author: Pastor Dave

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