Democrat Hail Mary Move I am explaining how Biden’s attacks by Democrat elites is actually planned by the Dems to make Biden look like something illegitimate was done to Biden in order to get the public’s sympathy for Joe like Trump has gotten.
What is a Hail Mary move?
Typically, a Hail Mary move is a move or maneuver that is associated with “nothing more to lose.”
Table of Contents
The Democrats tried Lawfare against Trump, and it backfired!
In the past, Republicans have attacked Democrats, citing how they break the law.
So the Democrat plan was to cause Donald Trump to be convicted of a felony, and desecrating his public image, and making Trump lose the public’s support. The lawfare they have used against Trump has backfired against them. People now see Trump as a victim, which he is, and they are supporting him even more.
Why Use Lawfare?
Why did the Democrats use lawfare? This is to make the department of Justice a weapon against their political enemies. Interesting that it appears that a political group in France is using the same tactic against Le Pen, the head of an opposing political party. But why? The real reason is that in a fair debate of ideas, the Democrats continue to lose time and time again. Their ideas and policy are only focused on getting power for them, and keeping that power. Their policies do not really check with reality. In other words, when followed, they fail to do what they are supposed to do, and they also cause lateral damage.
In other words, we need to see that the Democrats as a whole are bad politicians, that think in ways that are detrimental to the people of the country they seek to govern.
Their policies are designed to control the people of the United States, restricting their constitutional rights, and enrich these self-same politicians.
Lawfare is just another weapon in the Democrat arsenal of political weapons to use against any opponent that stands in their way. Note that these people are power freaks, and that they will betray their own in a heartbeat if it gets one in particular in power, or keeps one in power.
The Crux of the Present Democrat Hail Mary Move
So what are they doing this time? Since they have seen how their persecution of Donald Trump has done nothing to diminish his support, but has only caused more support for Trump to come in, they want the same for Joe Biden. Note that the real sting in all of this is that Trump has made a ton of money from unsuspecting sources. His Twitter clone has brought him billions of dollars just when he needs it. Campaign contributions have inundated his coffers during all of this lawfare stuff. Now even New York is up for grabs, because Trump, while in attending his court case, went out and the people looked him. Whether that will materialize in New York going red in the election, who knows. The Democrats control the counting and the electing process, and their people will not let a Republican win, probably.
But now, Joe Biden has become the victim! The Democrat elite (who exactly is that? Barak Obama? Yes. Chuck Shummer, Nancy Pelosi? She still publically professes fealty to Joe). But now some Democrats are screaming at the top of their lungs that Joe is being betrayed! We all have to support Joe because the Democrat elites are persecuting Joe just before the election. Whether Joe Biden’s health is terrible or not, the point is really not about his health, it is about keeping a Democrat in the White House for another 4 years. That is the point.
So if the Democrats are taking sides “for Joe” and “against Joe”, and all of them will vote for the Democrat no matter what happens, then it is all a sham. All those wanting Joe to step down are just trying “to play” the American public because they have TDS. The Democrats used election fraud to give Biden the win in 2020. But nowadays, they are having an ever-increasing problem in making it in any way plausible that Biden would win again. They have to make it seem somewhat plausible that Joe is liked by America. They don’t like Joe Biden’s governing. That is obvious.
In the thinking of football, we are going to lose anyway, what more can we lose than lose? This is the Democrat thinking. It is extremely hard to justify and excuse and forget Biden’s health situation. In four more years, how will he fair? So this is their problem. Kamala Harris is a poison pill so that Republicans don’t impeach Joe Biden. She has done her job in that aspect. But now moving on, who will take up the presidency for the Democrats? Kamala is a DEI hire, and she cannot do the job with talent and ability. She has none. Even Democrats admit that. So when you need somebody to do something that is dear to you, you skip the DEI hires and look elsewhere, including if that person is the opposite of the checkboxes, white, male, old man. So why do we continue with the DEI scam anyway? Aren’t the Democrats proving that it is a scam by not supporting Kamala?
On another note, why are all the key Democrat leaders white, and old, many are male? Isn’t that the opposite of DEI? But how come they are leading the Democrat party? The DEI was used heavily when the majority of politicians were white old men. That is not the case. But to deliberately exclude a white, old man is discrimination. At one time, that didn’t matter, exclude him. Now that Biden is a white old man, we have to ask, why is even Joe Biden in the position that he is in if he doesn’t check any boxes for the DEI crowd? Oh yea, he does check one box. He is Democrat, so that makes his non DEI status a non-issue.
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