Stuffing the Ballot Boxes

Stuffing the Ballot Boxes This is how election fraud is carried out using mail-in ballots and Democrat mailworkers.

Stuffing the Ballot Boxes This is how election fraud is carried out using mail-in ballots and Democrat mailworkers.

This post is a reaction to this post: Breitbart:Union for Postal Workers, Who Will Handle Ballots, Endorses Kamala Harris

If the Democrats have their members controlling the Postal system, and the Democrats are forcing all states that they can to use mail-in ballots, what happens when somebody gets into the voter registry and changes the zip codes by one digit, say the last digit has 1 added to it. Then the mail-in ballots are sent out, and they change the voter registry back to what it was. The wrong address for that zip code means that all the ballots will undeliverable by the post office, and each of those voters will never get their ballot, and the postal workers will collect them as undeliverable, fill them out (these are Democrat party workers) and then send them in. The final nail in the coffin of this corruption is that the election office that receives them do not require signature verification, and everything gets counted as those Democrat workers want.

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Author: Pastor Dave

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