DEI Fiasco #2 Kamala Harris

Analysis of Kamala Harris Problems

DEI Fiasco #2 Kamala Harris examines Kamala as a candidate for president. She, like all DEI promoted people, is a disaster. DEI (Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion)

Cheatle, applying Pepsi quality to the Secret Service

With the Trump assassination attempt behind us, things are slowly returning to normal. That is in Washington politics. One of the problems that started with Obama up to today is that the normal processes of Washington politics have been disabled, and that is probably a good thing in many contexts, but in a few, it is a bad thing. One of the things that government is supposed to do is to investigate, study, review, and allow for comment on policy BEFORE it is made. Along with this is a post-policy review, which is called “oversight“. Overview is the House of Representatives responsibility. This is cleanup and change what is wrong. it is basically pointing fingers when things go wrong. (For many Democrats, what went wrong in the Trump assassination attempt was that Crooks missed. That is sad. We are becoming a country that accepts the brutal aggression of your opponents, like in middle eastern countries. Sad.)

But after Cheatle testified before Congress yesterday basically stonewalling all questions, we see what we wanted in DEI and what we got.

Nancy Mace calles Cheatle’s Answer Baloney

The bottom line in this problem (as seen from the Republican viewpoint, and probably a lot of American’s viewpoints) is that Kimber Cheatle was hired because 1) She was Jill Biden’s crony friend, 2) Because she was a woman. Not having terrorist or war experiences is a minus that should have made her appointed denied, but for Democrats, they are more worried about checking DEI boxes that putting somebody in power that knows how to do the job well, has experience in that job or similar skills (again where they have done the job well), and is committed to doing the job well. While the rest of the United States have let these liars, cheats, and little people who just want power, money, and glory get by with this, they have let the Democrats do this travesty on the United States.

But some people are waking up and rejecting this and demanding better.

What is wrong with DEI?

The problem is that while we can all sympathize with people that are having problems, that haven’t gotten a “fair shake” from life in the past, nobody wants to put them into a place of adversely affecting us. For example, are black people and women not in medical schools at the same rate as men? I don’t know, but I can accept that life may be that way. But the reason may not be just because of discrimination. Why are the majority of players in the NFL and NBA black? There is a lot of discrimination against white players in those leagues. Nobody is crying discrimination there.

But the bottom line is that in sports, performance counts more than anything else. Why would any coach turn down a black player if he does a better job than an equivalent white player? Performance decides, not DEI.

If you are really sick, would you accept going to a doctor that flunked medical school but got a medical degree anyway just because the doctor was a black girl? Who risks being adversely affected in their health just because there is discrimination in the world? No. People, sane people, even sane black women people, want a doctor to tend to them that is an expert in their field, or they will continue looking for one and pass over DEI promoted incompetence.

Kamala Harris’ Record

First of all, Kamala climbed the ladder of government in California through her sexual relationships with people in government. So he outstanding ability is in having sex with a person in government that has a wife at the same time. From her own comments (on a radio show), she was smoking marijuana at the same time that she was placing other people in California in jail for smoking marijuana. Another amazing ability that really stinks. All of those thousands she bragged about putting away should go to court and sue her because as a prosecutor of the law, she tainted those cases by her using drugs herself. Those cases should be retried. But the takeaway point here is her hypocrisy. She condemns one thing, and then she is doing the very thing she is condemning.

VP Harris Office Hit by 92% Staff Turnover Since Assuming Power

So Kamala Harris has made a name for herself as being impossible to work with. Moreover, she is of the political views of a Marxist Communist. I will not be voting for Kamala, but not because she is black or a woman. If Candace Owens were running, I would vote for her. My beef with Kamala is that she is a Communist and wants to impose a North Korean, a Cuban, a Venezuelan, a Russian, a China style government on us. Since none of those (the principle Communist countries) is any place where any sane person would like to live, I think the voting option is obvious, anybody else but Kamala.

Opinion: Calling Kamala Harris a ‘DEI hire’ is what bigotry looks like — piece in CNN. Really? These people are writing to people who would actually fall for this kind of logic? Why not use the logic that America is racist, therefore they would never allow a black person to be president! Oh, wait, Obama is kind of black. I think he is Sudanese, so that counts, right?

Kamala’s Achievements

What has Kamala Harris really done? Well, she was immediately almost made Biden’s “border Czar“. How did that go? Interesting that while Democrats have decried any kind of border wall, when the voters are against illegal aliens, they want to use that border wall now. It works. Nancy Pelosi for example voted against a border wall, but her house has a wall around it. Why if walls do not work? Democrats want US taxpayer money to go to border walls in other countries, but not protecting our country. Hypocrisy, Kamala’s middle name.

Realistically, she and Mayorkas have totally failed at protecting our border. Even the presumed goal of protecting our border is lost on them. They just ask, “why? That is not my goal for the border.” Forget that they have sworn to uphold the Constitution, the laws of the United States, and border control is part of those laws.

But through Kamala’s whole career, her only achievement that Democrats can brag about is that she is a DEI promoted government official. Really? That is the list of her achievements?

Why Kamala?

The real take-away about Kamala is that the Democrats just don’t know how Democracy works, and they work against its principles at every turn. How did they get in this situation in the first place? Because they let Obama manipulate their own primary months ago so that Obama’s puppet (Biden) could knock out all contenders before there was even a vote (of Democrat candidates). That is seen equally in how the Democrats under Biden wanted to knock Donald Trump out of the running before there was even an election. Democrat voters should just wake up and say no. Go join another political party or make a new one, start over, but force democrat principles on whatever they settle with.

Why should an elite few Democrat leaders decide? What happened to democracy within the Democrat party? Kiss that goodbye in how your political party functions, and you can kiss your freedoms goodbye in America. You really are good with that?

RFK Jr.: DNC Trying to ‘Rig’ Nominating Process to Get ‘Monumentally Unpopular’ Kamala Harris as Nominee

What can we expect in the Future if Kamala wins the Presidency?

Our days are truly rare. Who would have thought with as much hate against Donald Trump that the Democrat candidate for president in 2024 have even a bigger fight within their own party. But this needs unraveling.

Recently, presidential candidates have tried to choose vice presidential candidates that are more extreme than they are, so that when the other side tries to impeach that president, the country would end up with somebody way worse than the president. Okay, Trump picked Mike Pence. Obama picked Joe Biden. Joe Biden picked Kamala Harris. But careful here, you might just end up getting this disaster you picked to scare the other side. And so we have Kamala.

Just as Obama commented that Joe Biden has a talent for messing up anything he touches, we can say the same about Kamala. She cackles her way into infamy. Obama has no control over Kamala, thus he isn’t endorsing her. So Kamala is the proverbial “loose cannon on deck”. Even if she wins, America loses. The Democrats lose. If this is the quality of candidates that the Democrat party is producing, just go somewhere else and join any other party that will listen to their people’s desires. (Again, Democrats have no sound concept of what democracy is. It is just something to control others to them.)

I do not know who will win in November. God is in control. But God maybe will let the wayfaring America get what it deserves, Kamala Harris. Without a doubt, the Democrats want control over Kamala. So Kamala has broken the fund-raising records. This is the Democrat leadership trying to bring her under their control. The problem. She isn’t yet, and has never been.

So both father and son Soros have endorsed Kamala. These two are basically billionaires that want the United States to fall as fast and as far as they can make it happen. These Soros backed District Attorneys are the ones who came up with no bail laws, and many other laws to make America less safe. They see in Kamala the same kind of wrecking the US as much as possible in her as is in them.

God help the United States if Kamala wins the presidency. We can only hope that people will truly wake up and reject the trash these people are trying to stuff down the throats of Americans.

DEI Fiasco #2 Kamala Harris

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Read Article: Spiritual Change is our Goal.

Author: Pastor Dave

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