Why Don’t we have Pity on the Poor Illegals?

Why Don't we have Pity on the Poor Illegals? Examines why Americans should not pity illegal aliens, nor aid or protect them.

Why Don’t we have Pity on the Poor Illegals? Examines why Americans should not pity illegal aliens, nor aid or protect them.

Their God is Money

The bottom line with the illegal alien situation is that they want something that they see desirable within the United States. That thing is a better life. While we can sympathize with everybody wanting a better life, we need to be brutally honest. Even people that are American citizens for genders before them also want a better life, and they don’t want to do what is necessary in order to get that better life.

In a few cases, these people are handicapped, and in others, they are not educated. But you do not see them taking schooling seriously. These are the kinds of people we all knew in High School that didn’t pay attention in class, were either disruptive or sleeping. They are people who are lazy and don’t want to learn. But they always know how to enjoy the highest luxuries of life if money falls from heaven into their hands. These are the same people that DOGE is rooting out and firing. They want a good life without working hard to get that good life.

So if we should not throw our money away on such people, even when they are American citizens, even more so should we not allow the same types of people to enter illegally into our country just to live off of our government’s welfare help.

But we need to understand the issue here, at the foundation of everything illegal alien. These people want to work good jobs and live well. Many of them are sending a large portion of their earnings out of the country (Mexico has remissions in the billions of dollars every year, a remission is when people in the US send money to people in Mexico). While our system respects and honors the principle of everybody’s money is their own possession to dispose of as they see fit, it does cause an economic problem on a national level when immigration levels are as high as they were in the Biden years.

In dealing with illegal aliens, the key to stopping their illegal entry is to curve the ease of which they can (1) find jobs, especially high paying jobs, (2) live in the US comfortably, and (3) send money back home. There is a government database of all foreigners (non-US citizens) who have permission to work. The problem is that Democrats see these illegal aliens as Democrat supporters that will illegally vote for the Democrat party that is facilitating their existence in the United States.

Why don’t they work as hard in their own Countries?

The question that nobody seems to be asking or discussing is if the United States is so good that people are paying thousands of dollars to sneak in illegally (I have recently seen a figure of $30,000 for some cartel to smuggle an illegal into our country, that is, before Trump’s second term. On the one hand, Trump has stopped a tremendous amount of people entering, but on the other hand, the cartels are going to make even more money per person now. They have hundreds of tunnels from Mexican border cities under the border and into the US).

But if the illegals are such hard, dedicated, excellent workers, why don’t they put that energy to making their home country a paradise like the US is to them? The countries from which these illegals come from are pictures of third world dumps, but even in the worst of them, good, hard-working people make themselves rich there. You can go from country to country and find people who have applied themselves and are doing just fine. So why take the risk to enter the US illegally?

The answer lies in their character. They are not hard working unless they can make themselves rich from it. But they really are not hard-working but lazy. They want good money cheaply, i.e. they don’t want to work so hard to get it. This is a character flaw that really should be realized. When you compare what they could be doing in their own country to earn money versus what they are doing in the United States, and compare what each place offers as a wage, there is the key. They want to work less, earn more, enjoy life more, and just be as lazy as they can get away with.

I have known probably 50 people from Mexico who have entered the United States illegally in my 40 years of living in Mexico. I hardly hear anything from them once they leave Mexico. But it is very rarely, or never, that my impression of that person while in Mexico was that they were a hard worker. I see people in Mexico all over the place that get up at 4AM, travel 2 hours to and from work, work 6 days a week, and are well off from that work. Many work 7 days a week. But I remember those who entered the US illegally, and they were just lazy. No other way to describe it.

If you look at the homeless in California, do you see medical doctors living on the streets as a homeless person? Rummaging through trash for something to eat? I don’t think so. But there is a strong link between covetousness (an overzealous love for obtaining money) and illegal activities. Both in other countries and in entering the US looking for easy money in the US.

They Have no Respect for Our Laws

Another foundational point is that what they will do anything to get their “god”, i.e. money, wealth. It is totally illogical that a person will break the laws of legal immigration to enter the US, to then work honestly and never break any other laws. Illegal alien drunk drivers have become notorious in recent years.

To understand the gravity of this situation, an illegal cannot get a good job without a Social Security number. So he buys a fake one from somebody. He cannot do a lot of things without some kind of picture identification. There is a street in Los Angeles (I don’t remember the name) that makes and sells US Passports, Driver’s Licenses, etc. and they make and laminate them right there on the street. All of that for a price.

But to understand what this does, it teaches the illegal alien (which isn’t obeying the laws anyway) that he can change his identity with a couple of hundred dollars. If he rapes a teen, he knows that he can do the same thing again. Move a state away, get new Identification and “start over”. This makes the person irresponsible for his actions.

Another aspect is the Democrat party promoting illegal aliens so that they can vote in our elections for the Democrats. Gavin Newsom and his cadre of Democrat lawmakers have made it illegal for any poll worker at an election polling station to ask for IDs. Why would anybody be opposed to picture ID before they are allowed to vote. As a Senate committee interview was asking a Democrat about this, the Republican Senator asked how the Democrat woman lawmaker got to Washington. On a plane. Did she have to show picture ID? Of course. Can you cash a check for cash without picture ID? No. Can you get a bank account, open an IRA, or do any other important financial thing without an ID? No. Can you buy a house, rent an apartment, etc. without any ID? No. So why can people vote without any ID?

The fact of the matter is that a lot of the Democrat vote is coming from people who do not have the legal right to vote. As a sign on a Democrat march in California read, “vote against Donald Trump, and vote many times!” Without ID requirements, they will go make the rounds to a dozen voting places on election day and vote many times. Is that really legal? No. So why are the Democrats facilitating it? Because it helps them win elections. California has been doing this for some time now, and the state is all Democrat.

The truth of this situation is that they do not respect the law of our country, they just use them when it is convenient. For example, they will rob, steal, and destroy when they can get away with it. But if they have a nice home and somebody breaks in, steals their possessions, then they will scream for the police. Notice how that works? They are hypocrites. What they do to others is not allowed for anybody to do to them.

They Have no Respect for the Founding Principles of our Country

Another underlying foundational principle in the illegal alien situation is that they are just “using the United States” as a means of obtaining riches. If you research the places where illegals work and live, you will notice that they basically “bring a little part of their own country to the US, and they don’t adapt to US culture except when they have to in order to function and make money.

Many parts of Los Angeles are filled with Spanish speaking people who were born in the US as well as their parents, but they still don’t speak English. Why? They want to use the US, but they are not really part of the US. Maybe the fact that they are citizens is part of this, but even when these people and their kids have US citizenship, they still have little to no interest in “being American.” What they want is to make money, have American privileges, and not really intergrate themselves into our country as Americans.

The Democrats have a lot of problems, and they make presumptions that are just wrong. One of those presumptions is that if they allow illegals into the country, and giving them government welfare, that they will vote for the Democrat candidates. But un

They Are not Poor

The going rate (from what I can see) is between $15,000 to $18,000 per person, to be smuggled into the US. That does not count the actual cost of getting to the Mexico-US border in Mexico or Canada. Nor does that count the cost of once they enter the US, because many pay a lot of money to have forged IDs and other papers made up for them. Most good paying jobs still require a valid Social Security number, and to get obtain one is another mountain of money that these people pay.

If they are poor, i.e. we should not be harsh with them but rather overlook whatever wrong they do, then how do they come up with such large sums of money to just get into the US and working at a job?

I have asked that of many people in Mexico, how do they afford all that if they are broke to begin with? The answer is gruesome. They don’t have the money. Once in the US, they illegals disappear into the population and would never be heard from again normally. The cartels that are trafficking in them are no fool.

They house these illegals in safe houses in Mexico for sometimes months before moving them across the border. During that time, they have intensive interviews with them getting all of their information, where they were born, what living family they have in their home country and in the United States, etc. With that information, they get in contact with the cartel members in these places to verify their family and friends, and the cartels won’t move an illegal until everything checks out. If it doesn’t, then they get a free trip to the northern Mexico desert with no return. They are killed and buried in a hole for giving the cartel false information.

When they are in the US, they have to keep in contact with the cartel and regularly deposit monthly checks to them. Many don’t. But they are talking to their mom and dad, their brothers and sisters, uncles and aunts, their grandparents, their friends and neighbors. Again the cartels are ruthless. After missing their monthly payment, they pay a visit to the person’s family, and if the illegal in the US doesn’t pay their monthly quota, then they return and get very physical with their family and friends.

Everybody that even remotely has contact with illegals in the US is now in danger for their lives because an illegal doesn’t play by the rules. But this causes the disintegration of families and a lot of serious abuse of the elderly.

Allowing Illegal Aliens to bypass our Laws insults Everybody that Obeys the Law

In a country, what is fair should be made into laws. It is very wrong that some people can break the laws of our land and get away with those infractions without any real punishment (worse when our lawmakers protect them from the very laws that they make for the country), and others receive the brutal, cruel brunt of the law to make their lives miserable. This situation is extremely bad when for exemple, a Democrat gets away with not being under the law, and a Republican cannot, and even the government cannot convince judges that they have broken the law. Yet they suffer because of their political affiliation.

If we truly believe that everybody is under the law equally, then when an foreign person breaks our immigration laws, they need to suffer the same as anybody else. Nobody is above the law. But this needs to temper our pity and sympathy. While we should not mistreat an illegal alien that has unlawfully entered our country, we should with all courtesy should them the door, and remove them from our country. Equally, these lawbreakers should not profit financially by taking illegal access to our government assistance programs, jobs, and any other benefits that Americans have, such as free emergency medical attention, public schooling for children, or even our parks and other benefits.

Stalker The Preacher and His Models
Looks at the Preacher as a Man of God, a Patriot, a man of the Word, as a False Prophet, as a man, as a Christian, as an Apostle, and as a Thinker.
Read the Work: Stalker The Preacher and His Models.

Author: Pastor Dave

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