Black Voters and Trump

Black Voters and Trump What "do we really want for black people?" What is good for blacks? or Control of Blacks?

Black Voters and Trump What “do we really want for black people?” What is good for blacks? or Control of Blacks?

If “Jim Crow” laws were forcing blacks to do things against their will, what is the movement of blacks for Trump? Blacks, by their own free will, want a white man for president that will help their condition. Isn’t this a victory? Their other choice is another white man, Biden, with his black vice woman (check two boxes with Kamala) but she is a DEI candidate that is worthless for blacks.

Kamala is Acceptable to Democrats

But through all the positioning and yelling over the summer, one thing is screamingly loud. Democrats think that Kamala is not accept at the top of the ticket (a valid Democrat candidate for president). But she accurately represents DEI, which stands for diversity, equity, and inclusion. But let’s just examine that for a minute. In what is the status quo up to DEI, a person wants to do some job, then they study, train, and basically become an expert, the best that that particular vocation has, in order to enter that job. If a young man (of any color, race, or orientation) wanted to be a doctor, he would go to medical school, study “jump through the hoops” that the medical profession proposes (like AFTER studying and knowing everything that a medical doctor should know) they need to do a residency at a hospital under other experienced doctors for a few years before they are officially a doctor. Ok. It is a long, arduous journey for anybody. Over the years of this system, the number of “dropouts” that didn’t make it is astounding, because they either failed to learn their field, or they failed to keep up with the requirements (like residency, and continuing their education in medicine even while they were already doctors really).

Some people want to see blacks as doctors. Back then, there were blacks who made it as doctors. But the Democrats want to get the black vote, so they do not want people to be equal, they want their subgroups (like blacks, Hispanics, etc.) to “get ahead” of the rest, and basically get a bribe somehow so that they will vote for Democrats. People who have never owned a slave are obligated somehow in Democrat’s thinking to pay reparations to black people who were never they themselves slaves, and to many blacks that their ancestors were not even in the United States during this time.

But to make up for past mistreatment of blacks, we need DEI. In other words, DEI, giving privileges to blacks today that they have not earned through ability, talent, and hard work, that is somehow morally making up for what has been done to them in the past. Since blacks came from Africa, and the slave traders were white, everything is thrown on every white alive. What about those black tribes in Africa that enslaved their fellow blacks at the beginning and throughout this? They get a pass, just because they are black. Is that fair? Does that help any black person? Why don’t they pay reparations? Because the entire ruse (a trick, a craft stratagem, fraud, deceit) is to make white people feel bad, to be less like leaders, and to get Democrat votes from blacks. To be exact, this DEI works against blacks as much as whites.

Let me ask all people who have fallen for this ruse a simple question. If you are sick and need an operation, a very difficult and delicate operation, and probably of all the surgeons out there who be willing to do that operation, 90% would do it, and you would die, would you take the effort to find one in that 10% to do it? If your life and wellbeing was in the balance, would you accept an inferior doctor instead of the best that there is? As a sidenote, if you want government “free” medicine, you have to take what you get, and you add in a government doctor that besides being inferior, just doesn’t care about your health.

So if your surgeon is starting the operation, and you are still conscious, and you see he has a book on the medical table beside him that says “How to take out somebody’s appendix” (and that is what he is doing to you), does that give you confidence in him? If you see a pilot of an airplane that is taking you somewhere, and the pilot has the manual out looking up how to get the plane off the ground, why is that anyway better? Society in general pays for DEI with bad service from professionals. There is nothing with discrimination in the fact that people want and pay good money for capable people to serve them.

Democrats are ineffectual in running our country

So, just looking back. America has had years of inflation and recession. Trump comes along in a completely different “vein” or from a different position of our past politicians (I include a bunch of Washington swamp Republicans here, because they are no different from the Democrats). He is a businessman, and simply put, if he pays good money for something, he wants the best value out of that service. Is that wrong? Is that racist? No.

All blacks in the United States are adversely affected by high inflation. Biden has caused it, but Biden is not the first Democrat to cause this, the history of Democrats are that they cause inflation because they spend too much money. If somebody gives me personally a million dollars, wow! Yea! I would like that. But if the government takes 1000 dollars from each elderly person in my city, is it still the same? No. My benefit hurts others. That is a thing to think about. What if your grandparents and parents got caught up in having to give $1000 each? You would probably not like it. There needs to be a brake applied to the government taking taxes from everybody (nobody can say no and stay out of jail), and then giving that away to people that the taxpayers are not really in favor of.

Kamala, the White Knight

But let’s think for a minute. Kamala is rejected from the Democrats when it comes to being the next president. She is a “DEI hire”, in other words, her abilities and talents are not such as what a vice president should have. So the Democrats are now (in rejecting Kamala) basically saying that DEI is good for others, but not for themselves. I do not believe she has shown any talent in her Vice Presidency except one, pushing loyally Joe Biden. That is a questionable talent, just today, look at all the Democrats that are criticizing Joe Biden. My case rests on that one.

In business, when a business is in trouble and basically going bankrupt, many times the owner of the business will look for a white knight to come in and save his business, because he and the business leaders themselves cannot save it. So Kamala (and the other Democrat that are being pushed to take Joe’s place, like Michelle Obama, Gavin Newsome, etc.) is a white knight. They are going to override the existing system with a newly introduced person, a white knight, to save the day!

You cannot really look at this in any way that it comes out smelling good. Michelle would be great, a black woman, but she doesn’t want to help an old white man (Biden). Gavin Newsome is just a white man, on the doorstep of being another Joe Biden. But business owners that use this “new guy” coming in to “fix the present problems” ALWAYS LOOK AT WHAT THE WHITE KNIGHT HAS ALREADY DONE. So if you look at Michelle Obama, she has been the president’s wife for 8 years while Obama was president. She has not done anything. They are even hiding her papers that she wrote in college because she is more radical than Barak. Gavin Newsome is a white guy (two x marks against him already), and he has caused great damage to California, and continues to do so.

If you look at Donald Trump, he was president already, so what he would do if he returns is not an unknown like these others. He caused a great deal of general wealth to the workers. Black people’s salaries under Trump went up. Inflation was under 2%. With Biden, if you could get a figure that was not massaged excessively by the government, since Biden has been president, we can see probably 25% inflation under him. With inflation, you will never get that money back. In other words, if you have $100,000 invested for retirement, and with just one year of inflation of 25%, it is now worth $75,000. The next year’s inflation may be 2%, but the value of things is stuck and won’t return. What you can buy with that $100,000 is just now what you can do with $75,000. Each year, inflation steals money from consumers, and it is never replaced. If you live through a year with 50% inflation, maybe your salary will eventually jump to double of what it was, but most probably in the best of cases, it will jump to 70% more than what you were making, but you are in a constantly losing game. Gaining wealth to have it devaluate is never going to be replaced. Deflation also has its own problems. But that never happens except in a few rare cases as people play with the markets.

So what is best for Blacks?

If the Democrats really want what is best for blacks, then what would that look like? Instead of giving away freebies to small groups of people, let people work at what they are best at doing, and according to their accomplishments, they get rewards of being fairly paid. Let the blacks make their own decisions, especially in political situations.

Which Political Party has a History of Looking out for the Best for the Blacks?

Joe Biden’s “idol” which he says he modeled his political career after is Robert Byrd. Robert Byrd was a Klu Klux Klan white knight. Up until a certain point in Joe’s career, he associated with and was good friends with Byrd. When Joe saw it was not politically expedient, he dropped his praise for Byrd. For that matter, Abraham Lincoln, the founder of the Republican Party made his mark in history with freeing the slaves. All of the Democrats in Congress voted against freeing the slaves. All the Democrats except one voted against giving blacks the vote. Democrats were in mass against giving women the vote.

So is it very difficult to see what the Democrats are? They are just using people to get into control and maintain their control. They lie, cheat, and steal to get what they want. Question: Would you think it out of place that the same people who kill unborn babies, pushing that on everyone, would also have the low morals to cheat and commit fraud in an election? They go hand in hand.

Kamala □ Woman □ Black. Best presidential candidate for the Democrat party? No. Why? Because she is a DEI hire, and she cannot do her job very well, whatever you give her to do, she will mess up.

Did Kamala Harris (Biden’s Immigration Czar) fix the border problem? No she ignored what was her commission, and ignored the border. She has not been to the border at all, or maybe one time where there is not a lot of crossing. She set up meetings with South American presidents to discuss the reasons why immigrants are coming into the US in droves, but then she slighted them by sending an assistant, which offended these presidents of Mexico and other Central American countries. Real politicial this lady is. But when the election is looming and Biden is getting bruised a lot on the immigration issue, Joe Biden then ignores Kamala, the Biden Immigration Czar, and restores Trump’s immigration policies! Does this seem to you like even they, when they need something done right, will skip their DEI hires and do things the way that somebody who knows what they are doing, and how the world works (like a businessman).

Do Democrats not understand that when you teach blacks to vote for the party that does the most good, and Trump is that, that their voters will continue in what they have been taught?

Black Voters and Trump

Author: Pastor Dave

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