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Why big companies are woke
Why big companies are woke explains why big companies are getting on the climate change disaster bandwagon and going woke.
David Cox's Conservative Christian News notes and analysis of the News
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Why big companies are woke explains why big companies are getting on the climate change disaster bandwagon and going woke.
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bs32 Should we seek the Holy Spirit? examines the question of seeking the Holy Spirit, or do Christians already have Him. This tract presents the argument that Scripture clearly teaches that God seals the believer at the moment of accepting Jesus with the Holy Spirit. If that is so (and we show these verses), then God cannot allow a person to (1) believe and be saved, but (2) not have the sealing of the Holy Spirit indwelling.
Topics: The Spirit in the Old Testament | The Transition between the OT and NT | The Earnest of the Spirit When do we Receive the Spirit? | To be Saved is to Have the Holy Spirit | The Guarantee that we are Saved | The Explanation of Luke 11:13 | The Indwelling of the Holy Spirit within us | There are Consequences of the Indwelling Spirit in us | The Sequence of Events.
Red the Tracts: bs32 Should we seek the Holy Spirit? .
Missionary on Furlough Spiritual Needs is an article by David Cox (veteran missionary) to help pastors and missionaries understand missionary needs.
Excerpt: When a pastor "takes in a missionary on deputation or furlough", he ministers to that missionary.... Pastors also need this encouragement as much as missionaries need it. When they get together to fellowship, they are able to encourage one another. But every pastor ministering to a returning missionary should encourage them along these lines of faithfulness and reward in eternity.
Topics: Introduction | Unfit Missionaries that should not be missionaries at all | Stop the Merry-go-round, I want to get off | Some Tips for Pastors Encouraging Missionaries | 1. Do not undermine their way of leading or doing the ministry | 2. The two essential elements are talk and prayer. | 3. Get more than just the pastor involved in praying for the missionary. | Remind your missionary by asking for an update if it has been a while. | Effectively disseminate prayer requests.
Read the Article: Missionary on Furlough Spiritual Needs.
pc10 Sexual Purityis an exhortation to purity in sexual matters for the Christian. We look at various aspects of the issue.
Topics: It is not an impossible fight! | The Biblical Model | Homosexuality and Prostitution | Nudity and the Mind | Self-Stimulation | Resisting the Temptation.
Excerpts: Job 31:1 I made a covenant with mine eyes; why then should I think upon a maid? Job understood that sexual sin begins with the sight, and the seeing before desiring. Job made a covenant with himself, a commitment that he would not look on young women to desire them or to let his imagination run wild with them even their image or in his thoughts. Equally, Jesus taught us in Mat. 5:28 that even thinking sinful thoughts without doing them is as sinful as actually doing them. This is an amplification of Exo 20:17 “Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor’s wife”. David saw before taking (2Sam 11:2).
Fasting is to teach us that the body does not control over us, and this is exactly what is necessary for people with this problem. This sin is pinned to the thoughts, “for as he thinketh in his heart, so is he” Pro 23:7. “I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me” Phil 4:13.
Read the Tract: pc10 Sexual Purity.
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