An Illegal Alien is a de facto Criminal looks at the lie that they are not criminals until they commit some “other” crime.
A False Presumption
What those who defend open borders are presuming is that an illegal alien is somehow innocent of wrong doing until they commit another crime. That is a false presumption. Being in the country illegal, and working without immigration permission to do so, is all that is needed in order for them to be prosecuted as a criminal.
People who are angry about Trump immigration enforcement have an incorrect presumption. They say that illegal aliens, foreigners who entered without official immigration permission, are not to be targeted unless they have committed “some other crime”. Why do they get an automatic pass on the crime of illegal entry or overstaying their visa? Why isn’t that a crime if it is in US federal law? What happened to “nobody is above the law?”
What is the Truth of the Matter Is
The truth is that this is a lousy argument, illogical at its base. Democrats make up any illogical, faulty argument “to win the debate”, but again we see that law and logic escape them. This is why they have to use such methods to gaslight America because the Democrat party gave up on fair debate a long time ago when they constantly lost these arguments.
Why should we give them a pass now? Compassion is one thing, but aiding and abetting a criminal is another, and this is illegal. You can go to jail yourself if you help a criminal, especially in avoiding capture by the legal, federal authorities that are after him.
An Illegal Alien is a de facto Criminal
Chicago wants to give the vote to Illegal Immigrants, explains that this idea of Mayor Johnson (Mayor of Chicago) is pushing the ruin of our country.
Topics: What Open Borders has caused | Why does a person have the right to vote? | Mayor Johnson wants to pad the Ballot Box with Democrat Votes
Read the Article: Chicago wants to give the vote to Illegal Immigrants.