Decline and Change of the Democrat Party

Decline and Change of the Democrat Party even Democrats are not liking what the present Democrat Party has morphed into, a terrible monster.

See this post: I’m a true-blue Democrat — but I’ve joined the GOP and back Donald Trump My post is my own opinions and reflections about what this former Democrat Senator from California confesses about her change from Democrat to Republican.

This California Democrat Senator (Gloria Romero) has posted a complaint against the Democrat Party. Her words show a world of reason. At one time, the Democrat Party was pro-American, pro-Capitalism, patriotic, etc. Today, the liberals have so taken control of their party that their own people do not recognize it today. It has changed its character completely.

She plainly states that she is leaving the Democrat Party and will join the Republican Party and vote for Donald Trump. Her reason is, “I don’t recognize it (Democrat Party) anymore.

The Democrat Party is no longer Democratic

The so-called “party of democracy” eradicated 14 million votes, including mine, to install Vice President Kamala Harris as its nominee.

It is a complete opposition to the principles of democracy. If I understand what has happened at all, the competition between Democrat control of our government and country and the Republican control of the same has gotten so intense that the people in power making the decisions have gone to the extreme of using any means possible “to win“. I am a Republican, by the way. I frankly do not like all the concessions that Republican lawmakers have given the Democrats over the years. But her post made me think, it is a good thing when we have two political parties that are more or less equal in power, and the one has to answer to and give concessions to the other to get anything done. There is a kind of balance of power. Any one party that owns and runs everything is a danger because evil people with time will enter and seize that control and hurt the country. (I am a missionary in Mexico, and we in Mexico are seeing that scenario play out in front of our eyes, and we are moving rapidly towards communism.)

Kamala Harris is a DEI Hire

While the Democrat Party has championed DEI, they do not what they are doing. If you have to undergo heart surgery, do you want a DEI doctor who only got his degree because he was a minority group member, or do you want any color or race of doctor but was the top of his class, a proven doctor in medicine? I want somebody proven. I don’t want somebody who does not know what they are doing.

Since when did Kamala Harris every win an election? When she ran against Joe Biden in 2019-2020, she could not even carry her own state against Biden. Doesn’t that mean a lot? I mean, California is Democrat, and she has served the state and has a history of what kind of politician she is, she will be, and Californians said no back then.

In other words, craft, skill, understanding of the world, gentleness, courtesy, honesty, being open (meaning no word salads in your speeches), those things mean nothing in our modern world? Why do we have to accept that? We do not accept that in our personal lives, e.g. we chose the best doctor, dentist, engineers, etc. possible and nobody likes DEI hires that fall flat on their faces when we need them the most.

The Ronald Reagan Lesson

I must say I was thoroughly impressed at her mention of Ronald Reagan. Her point was that Ronald Reagan was Trump 0.1. The Democrat Party knows that with somebody as popular and successful at running the country as Reagan was, their days in power were numbered.

I do not have hard evidence, but I am sure in my heart that the Democrat Party saw the economic success of Donald Trump, and they had to put a stop to that in any way possible. That resulted in infecting the world with Covid, and all the deaths, etc. The economy tanked because instead of dealing with Covid like medical professionals had prescribed before, they threatened the medical establishment, and they knuckled to the Democrat Party power take-over.

It is clear as daylight to me now that they trashed our economy in order to keep Trump from blessing America with Capitalist principles, and small government. Those things get in the way of Democrat Party power.

Trump’s statements recently about doing away with the department of Education come to bear on Kamala’s power base, being with the teacher’s union.

Ridiculous Immigration Practices

The point here is not if it is morally right or wrong for foreigners to flood our country without permission, the law is the law. The Democrats used the chant against Don Trump, “Nobody is above the law“. I agree wholeheartedly. Now, why isn’t that chant used against the illegal aliens flooding our country? Very simply, we can fix the immigration problem within a year. The law is already in place, but people do not obey the laws that are on the books. If a foreigner works, he has to have a government issued permission to work, a Green Card or Citizenship. So there is a database of all foreigners that are given that permission, and in some states like Florida, all employers have to match their foreign born employees against that database or be fined (by Florida state government). Why isn’t that a national and federal law?

Okay, the government has its claws into every person in the United States. They are watching your income, and they are taking out taxes, and if you do not pay your taxes, you get fined and/go to jail. Joe Biden wants 30,000 new IRS employees, but is he going to use those employees to go after people (illegal aliens) who do not pay their honest and decent taxes? They want to go after millionaires and billionaires, but they leave illegals completely out of consideration for them. Nobody is above the law? Really? How hollow that rings for the Democrat Party. They are just using the saying for their own purposes when it suits them, and then they ignore, abandon, and do the opposite when it suits them. Why doesn’t the DOJ go after Hunter Biden? Again, if there is no crime, why not open all his bank accounts to show that? What is the link between Joe Biden and Hunter Biden, as far as Hunter’s businesses go? Is there money going between son and father? Then, Hunter’s crimes become Joe Biden’s crimes. Again, nobody is above the law when it suits the Democrat Party to affirm that, but under the actual workings of things, they consider themselves as above the law. Impunity rings deep within their own party leaders.

I call baloney on their chant. The chant is right, but their use of the principle stinks to high heaven.

Kamala Harris is a drug user

Harris boasted on a radio show that she used marijuana, which she was a prosecutor for the state of California, and laughed that while she was using that drug, she was at the same time putting individuals in jail for doing the same thing. This is hypocrisy, and she should be stripped of all her legal degrees, she should be banned from government office, especially in California, and she herself should go to jail for her confession.

The Democrat Party plays to Hamas, yet want the Jews to continue to support them also

Ms. Romero’s point about the Democrat Party wanting to placate the Michigan Muslims is to the point here also. They are playing with people’s lives just to maintain the Democrat power machine marching onward. How can the Democrats at all justify and support the people who so hate another racial group (isn’t that the extreme of racism?) that they want them all dead. I mean, that is mean hatred. The Democrat Party supports Hamas. They have members of their caucus that are basically Hamas members, or so sympathetic to Hamas that it is hard to see that they are not. If they can fly the Palestinian flag in their offices in Congress, then they are not American.

I could not vote for any politician that does that. I do not know how they can get by with doing it.

Decline and Change of the Democrat Party

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Author: Pastor Dave

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