Past Election Fraud

Past Election Fraud presents some interesting points in Election Fraud in past elections.

Past Election Fraud presents some interesting points in Election Fraud in past elections.


In this article in American Thinker magazine, I found some very interesting statements that seem to have fallen through the cracks in most places.

The Pennsylvania 2020 Election Results

The Pennsylvania election was a fraud because there were far more ballots cast than active voters.  When Pennsylvania certified its election on November 24, 2020, the excess was exactly 202,377.  On December 28, 2020, sixteen Republican legislators issued a screaming press release about the voter deficit…. Those voters were never identified…. To make matters worse, Pennsylvania’s super-left-wing Supreme Court declared that no voter could be disqualified simply because his signature looked phony. So in Pennsylvania, there was no ID requirement and no signature-checking, and there were more than one hundred thousand mysterious ballots for which there were no voters.

So what is apparent is that some people who were not registered and not verified to vote, these people voted. Their votes counted. I would like to know if these were American citizens that voted twice, if they were not citizens, and they voted, or if they were Democrat (or Republican) campaign workers that maybe voted hundreds of times? I mean, why wouldn’t the honest Democrats not accept these suspicious votes that perhaps were against their Democrat candidates, but for some other candidate?

Wisconsin questionable actions

In Wisconsin, it is a fact that Democrat officials in the two large counties of Dane and Milwaukee posted public notices “urging all voters who request a ballot and have trouble presenting a valid ID to indicate that they are indefinitely confined.”  (See WILL report, page 26.)  As a result, that special category of voter increased by nearly 200,000 between 2016 and 2020, and tens of thousands voted without ID.  After the election (in December 2020), Wisconsin’s liberal Supreme Court ruled that the instructions were illegal.  Nice timing!

There is a reason why people in prison do not vote. They are people under the strict discipline of the prison guards. That being the case, if they vote while in prison, what is to stop the guards from prefilling out the ballots? The whole thing is questionable.

Michigan erroneous presumptions

In Michigan, the secretary of state mailed out an extra 4 million ballot applications that could be returned without ID (after they were retrieved from mailrooms, trash cans, and landfills?).  Each application had to be signed by the voter, but the secretary declared that she and the county clerks would “presume” all signatures legitimate.  Trump and other Republicans told the secretary she was wrong, and, after the election, a judge declared that the “presumption” was illegal.  More nice timing!  (By the way, if the secretary were a Republican, this would not be a matter of simple illegality: it would be criminal, and she would be indicted.)

I think that it is a contradiction to require signatures and then not examine these with signatures on file. Basically, they are stealing the ballots of other people. If I am waiting until election day to vote, and when I get to the poll on election day, and somebody has sent in a mail-in ballot, then they will not allow me to vote, and somebody has stolen my vote. The signature verifies that it was me that filled out the ballot, and if they take that away, this is raw fraud.

Georgia ignoring Required Signature Verification

In Georgia, a member of the Fulton County Board of Registrations and Elections reported — years after the election — that no signature matching whatever took place in the county for the 2020 election.  Fulton includes Atlanta and is the largest county in Georgia.  It is large enough to easily change the state election results.

In addition, an analysis of Fulton County ballot images by VoterGA showed numerous “impossible” images. For example, thousands had identification files (SHA files) dated hours or days after the dates on image files (TIF files). In the rest of the universe, those two files are created simultaneously.

So now we are accepting an image that was supposed to be produced immediately when turning in the ballot on election day, but that the date and time of the person voting is hours or days after the fact? When I have voted in the past, they really don’t let you hang around for days in the polling place. How is this even possible without suspension of fraud being written all over it?

How Democrats use Fraud

 Democrats are happy to allow endless counting and recounting of ballots, but they will fight ferociously against anything that can demonstrate the validity of the ballots.  In the swing states, they have eliminated or weakened requirements for

  • voting in person

  • obtaining a mail-in ballot

  • voter ID

  • proof of citizenship

  • signature identification

  • addresses on ballot transmittals

  • postmark dates on ballot envelopes (to show they were mailed on time)

  • meaningful participation of poll watchers

  • verification of registration voter lists

  • regulation of unmonitored ballot “drop boxes”

As a result, the Republican “loser” will probably have nothing to take to court in a lawsuit, and his case will be dismissed.

There are controls that can easily be used to verify elections on election day. These controls verify Democrat voters equally with Republican voters. What we are seeing today is that the “smarties” or elites in the Democrat party are voting from their Democrat voters, and then screaming that Democracy is dying at the hands of their opponents. Really? Get real.

  • For counties where cheating is suspected, hire a qualified statistician to select a representative sample of voters who, according to election department records, voted via mailed ballot.
  • Organize teams of volunteers to visit each sampled voter to ask if he voted and, if so, by what method (mail or in person).  The teams should be organized and supervised by bipartisan civic leaders.
  • Document all responses, and, where possible, obtain affidavits to support any claims of irregularities.
  • The percentage of irregularities in the sample should be extended to the mail-in voting population of the county.  If the extended results are large enough, a new election will be warranted.

Why don’t we do this? Make it law. If the Democrats are so concerned that everybody has a vote, why aren’t they equally concerned that everybody’s vote counts, and counts only once, and that nobody votes more than once?

Past Election Fraud

Understanding Narcissistic People
Narcissistic people are people that worship themselves, and people who do not understand love, which is a characteristic of God. This article contrasts them and people who love as God is love.
Read the Article: Understanding Narcissistic People.

Author: Pastor Dave

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