Kamala Harris on the Hot Seat

Kamala Harris on the Hot Seat

Kamala Harris on the Hot Seat is a reaction to a piece in Americanthinker.com about Kamala Harris. They are right on target as far as the problem Kamala Harris is going to have in a few days.

(This post was originally published Jan 13, 2021)

Original article: A Democrat-controlled Senate Spells Doom for Kamala Harris

The gist of this article is that with a split senate, 50-50, the vice president casts the deciding vote, and this act is very prominent. Harris will have her name on every law that passes. She will own this in the future. Because any law that gets through the Congress will be credited or demerited to her. She will be casting the tie breaking vote until 2024, or until something changes after the 2020 midterms, or if the Democrats push through the making of Puerto Rico and Washington DC into statehood. Any of that can happen, but with the rush to get a lot done in the first 100 days of Biden’s term, those things won’t get through so quickly to help her.

Kamala Harris Review

Remember Kamala? She ran for President against Biden in the primaries. She didn’t win. She insulted and attacked Joe Biden. She only carried like 16% of the California Democrats. Not the entire state, which is Democrat, but just the Democrats in their own primary. So in her own turf, she only has a 16% popularity among her own party. Her parents were active members of the California Communist Party, and Harris attended with them as she was growing up. She is more liberal and Communist than AOC or Bernie Sanders.



If we look at what Kamala has done, we really don-t see anything of substance, but all fluffy that really isn’t accomplishing anything. Was she the border Czar or not? They flop back and forth, first that she wasn’t the border Czar, but there is so much video and news articles about that when Biden appointed her to that, that it is hard to refuse to accept it.

So now they are pushing that she is going to solve the border problem. What people are missing is that she did exactly accomplish what the Democrats wanted in the border situation, an open border. Kamala is “fixing the border” without defining what the problem is. Her fix is more money, more people, more laws. But her goal is not stated clearly, to stop the influx of immigrants. No. The Democrat goal here is to replace the American citizen voter base with foreigners. The Democrats give away all they can because they indirectly are benefitted financially by government handouts. So before you believe anything Kamala Harris has to say about what she will do in the border, first ask her why she didn’t obey and promote the laws of the United States when the border became such a problem. She was the instigator with Biden of the open border problem. It is guaranteed that whatever she does in “fixing it” will just make it worse.






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Author: Pastor Dave

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