Understanding the 25th Amendment

Understanding the 25th Amendment

The 25th Amendment was made to make a direct replacement of the acting President of the United States when for a medical reason, such as surgery, he is unconscious. The medical reason was never for “being crazy.”

(This post was originally published Jan 14, 2021)

In time past, factions have tried to remove a President they disagreed with by getting some Psychologist to declare him off balance or crazy. The Congress made an agreement with the Psychologists association that no verdict of off balance or crazy can be given to an individual without that individual first allowing an extensive psychological interview with the patient. Only after that, can that give an evaluation. They did this in order to rule out “arm chair psychologists” from trying to exert pressure to destitute a sitting politician simply because they think he is crazy because he doesn’t agree with their views.

Mr. Jipping’s article is an excellent review of these facts (about the 25th Amendment).

The 25th Amendment makes it clear that the President himself must give to certain people in Congress a permission for the Vice President to take over his responsibilities, and this is always a temporary situation until he can fulfill his duties against. It is not an altogether removal function.



Brown The Devil's Mission of Amusement
7 page article from 1889. Hollywood in the church and her ministries. Brown was a student of C.H Spurgeon.
Different days demand their own special testimony. The watchman who would be faithful to his Lord and to the city of his God needs to carefully note the signs of the times and to emphasize his witness accordingly. Concerning the testimony needed now, there can be little if any doubt. An evil is in the professed camp of the Lord, that is so gross, so brazen in its impudence, that the most shortsighted of spiritual men can hardly fail to notice it....  Amusement for the people is the leading article advertised by each... until the hideous fact has been proved up to the hilt, that "amusement" is ousting "the preaching of the Gospel" as the great attraction... The Concert is fast becoming as much a recognized part of church life as the Prayer Meeting; and it is already, in most places, far better attended.

"Providing recreation for the people" will soon be looked upon as a necessary part of Christian work, and as binding upon the Church of God, as though it were a Divine command, unless some strong voices are raised which will make themselves heard.

Read the 7-page article: Brown, The Devil's Mission of Amusement.

Author: Pastor Dave

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