California wants to Secede from the Union

California wants to secede from the Union examines California's movement to break California from the United States to be an independent country.

California wants to secede from the Union examines California’s movement to break California from the United States to be an independent country.

Didn’t we already go through this before?

I mean really. Isn’t this the same issue that caused the Civil War? Southern Democrats wanted to keep slavery, because they abused these slaves to get rich and stay rich. When it came down to it, the Civil War was about this issue. The Democrats in Congress voted in unison against freeing the slaves, giving them the right to vote, and for even women the right to vote.
But the Union forced them to stay in the Union. Why would this be treated anything different? What valid reason would they have for seceding except for a temper tantrum because they didn’t get enough bail out federal tax dollars, or they didn’t get their way. How do they argue that as adults?
Just as the Democrats abused the blacks and used women’s rights to get what they want, power, they have used the Spanish community. They continue to do the same thing over and over. But legalized Hispanics tend to evaluate how they pay taxes, and the free handouts to illegals, and they are exiting the Democrat Party.
What is amazing is not that this grift is done, but that there are actually thinking adults who vote for these people year after year.

It will never Happen

Why? Because firstly, in doing so, the Democrat Party would lose a lot of control and influence in Congress. They cannot afford that.

Secondly, California survives from Federal Tax dollars. Without a way to get money from the big pot, then they will have to survive on just income from taxing their citizens.

Thirdly, California is already hemorrhaging a lot of businesses and high income earners because of their high taxes. If they secede, then they will have to rely even more heavily on taxing their own.

Fourthly, California is so desperate for income that they are taxing their citizens on exiting. Then they follow them to wherever they move to, and try to get more state taxes from them for years after they have left California. This is a legal quagmire, and if a person were to leave the United States to live in another country, and be a citizen of that country, then the place they left would have no legal power over them, i.e. no income taxes.

More Reasons why

Fifthly, the tech sector of California that is producing a lot of income and tax revenue for California is going to get very discouraged and leave California if they secede and the United States places tariffs or trade prohibitions on them.
Sixthly, California is a place ripe for natural disasters. From fires, to earthquakes, when these things come, California will want US federal assistance, and most probably if they secede, that will be denied them. California will go to hell in a handbag.
Seventhly, California has no “native” military. If California secedes, then all the military in California would leave. That would leave California defenseless against say China or North Korea. Just think about China invading the new country of California with their large military, and the United States withdrawing all military personnel from California and refusing to defend them. That is a scenario that just won’t be good. Moreover, the United States has strategic naval forces in California, and where would they go to? China would roll over the entire state of California in a short time, maybe a month, or even a week. If California invests billions of their own money in a military will all electric cars. That would be funny to see, though.
And then China would have a beachhead on our continent, and we would be fighting them in Arizona and Nevada. The United States would stop China without a doubt, but in the aftermath, California would be totally destroyed. Moreover, all those illegal aliens would be questionable if they would serve in a California military. And if they did, their loyalty would be suspect. More likely than not, all those illegal aliens would flee California before the secession. California would be extremely hard put to find soldiers. Again, the scenario would be all bad for California.

California wants to Secede from the Union

More Articles about Corrupt Government

Author: Pastor Dave

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