Government by Personal Grudge

Government by Personal Grudge is an examination of the Trump Derangement Syndrome, where Democrats break all rules because of their hate for Donald Trump.

Government by Personal Grudge is an examination of the Trump Derangement Syndrome, where Democrats break all rules because of their hate for Donald Trump.

Why is today’s Democrat Party razor focused on opposing Donald Trump? The passion with which they hate the man is borderline or, really, completely into the area of a psychology pathology. They are crazy. The question comes to mind, why? The Democrats propose that they can government the country better than anyone else. Nowadays, they even marginalize their own people if they don’t go to the same extremes as the party elites. Again, they are pathologically crazy.

Merriam-Webster Dictionary defines of grudge

To be reluctant to give or admit. “Even grudged the tuition money.”

To resent for having; begrudge. “Grudged him his good ways with the children.”

To look upon with desire to possess or to appropriate; to envy (one) the possession of; to begrudge; to covet; to give with reluctance; to desire to get back again; — followed by the direct object only, or by both the direct and indirect objects.

There is nothing good about governing by personal grudge against a person. It is wrong, unwise, and childish.

Why do they hate Trump so much? The answer is in that the Democrat party uses illicit and bad practices and policies in order to get control for themselves, and they go excessive to keep their control. Winning is all that counts. If they totally wreck the United States in order for them to stay in power, they are gladly willing to do that.

Joe Biden’s vengeful acts at the end of his president are plain evidence that he wanted to retaliate against those in his own party that he felt betrayed him, and he did the same damage to the country as a whole to let those problems for Trump. This is childishness, and it is embarrassing that grown people stoop so low. Are so childish.

Political Parties are in a Constant Change

Each political party constantly morphs as it sees fit. They become what they are because they want to win, and they calculate what will get them into office and power, and they have no convictions most of the time. Politics are a constant compromise of the positions of one with the positions of others, in order for them to make any appearances of success. A politician that does nothing and gets nothing done has a hard time getting re-elected.

Democrats have ruled by their internal guide of Donald Trump Syndrome craziness. Joe Biden entered office with a grudge with Trump. Whatever Trump did, Biden undid. Trumps actions in his first term, and it appears in his second are based on sound business principles, which Democrats have no idea about how business works (nor how government should work).

It is hard to figure out the Demo mindset, but from what it appears, they are hell-bent on the destruction of the United States as the great nation that it is.

Attitude toward criminals

Democrats want to release criminals on America. In places like CA, they want to empower criminals. Instead of charging thieves and jailing thieves, they have laws that empower thieves with no charges except if the thief takes more than $1000. (Is stealing wrong or not? Isn’t the government’s duty to protect me and my possessions? How do they take an exception to doing their duty?) This gives businesses a clear understanding of the saying, “death by a thousand paper cuts.” A business just has to accept losses because of Democrat policies. Why? Democrats in power over the government is a bad thing. Why are people leaving Democrat cities and states so much? What attracts them to Republican states and repels them from Democrat controlled ones? I see no illegal immigration of people trying to enter into China, North Korea etc. only places which are capitalist.

The point is that somehow in the mind of Democrats these thieves are doing right, “acting justly“, the Democrat protection and gift giving gets them elected. They somehow have a right to do what they do in harming others, but the stores have no right to protect themselves. Instead of honoring each person’s possessions (a foundation of our society), they tear society apart. They destroy the constructs of society.

Attitude towards Homeless

Why do the homeless have the right to block public spaces, make the sidewalks for everybody an open bathroom with drug paraphernalia disposal in the streets common? Their rights override the rights of everybody else. People who work and pay the price of a house with indoor plumbing have no rights in California and other Democrat enclaves.

Do you notice what is happening? Their championing of some small group of people and “their rights” is used to bulldoze over the rights of the majority. They identify themselves as “democrats” i.e. majority rule, but force minority domination on everybody. This started with blacks, but then when a white person put blackface on, that too was ridiculed. For all the promotion of blacks that Democrats have done, for all the money spent, did they achieve anything good? Blacks are like Democrat livestock that they keep repressed for their personal use. When this people livestock no longer serves their needs, the party dumps them. For all the liberation that Democrats declare they do for blacks, they still hold the black community as useful idiots until some other groups come along. Let’s see, women rights, Hispanics, gays, illegals, etc. Democrats have no morals in using whomever they can to get and keep power.

Attitude towards family values 

My question to Democrats is this, are the majority of them people who are homosexuals, sexual perverts, or child abusers? If they are not personally of that orientation, why run their party and the US government under the wide rule that everybody has to bow and honor these fringe groups?

America is diverse and has many different cultural groups, but the attraction of America is the diversity each group has, whether the majority identifies with a particular group or not.

But from what I see, the majority of people in the US have romantic affections for people of the opposite gender. (Common sense and the majority believe there are only two genders, male and female). So why does defending and promoting a minority group become their main policy?

We are not being racist, but we should want equality of opportunity. In other words, I see nothing wrong with Jews. They should have equal opportunities as anyone else. But because I believe in that principle, it does not mean I will become a Jew. Under the Democrat thinking, the government will force the majority to become Jews. So the tail wags the dog here. Homosexuality is being forced on the majority who does not want it by our government’s policies. This forcing of conduct on all citizens by our government is the destruction of our nation.

Attitude towards illegal immigrants

So government has a singular purpose, to serve and protect its people. The founding fathers foresaw government as a great threat as well as a blessing to the governed. Because of that, they install checks and balances to prevent evil people taking over government to destroy the country.

If a person in America dislikes what the founding fathers built in establishing America, that person should leave America and not seek to ruin what it is. What is worse is if the person was born in another country, and he thinks that America has to change to what he demands it be. (Looking at you George Soros!) But that would require some moral character within the person, and it is obvious that those out to destroy America have no good moral character.

But yet again we see the same pattern repeating itself. The majority of Americans are citizens, work, pay taxes. The Democrats take illegals, which break our laws in entering (majority rule makes immigration laws) and then in working without permission. Again, Democrats pit a minority against the majority. The Democrats gain power, influence and control by doing this, and morally, they think they are on the moral high ground.

But again they are destroying our society. If the US helps their own people with government assistance programs, how long will our government be able to do this with our borders open? The system breaks quickly. While our government gives so much money to illegals like there is no end to the money they have available, social security (which is something the majority has paid for through forced government taxes on them) has its death day set by a certain date. Why empower illegals yet destroy and harm the majority of citizens? Why am I a citizen when non-citizen illegals get all the benefits of my labors and my paying taxes? It makes a citizen want to renounce their citizenship, cross the Rio Grande and enter the US as an illegal. They get more than a citizen does! This is the Democrat party’s desired result, the destruction of America.

MAGA is to make America Great Again, but in reality it is not that at all. It is doing what we should have been doing to do correctly from the beginning. That is why Democrats have DTS. Trump wants to do what the founding fathers wanted in forming America.

The Democrat grudge against Trump

Joe Biden from his first day to his last day had a grudge against Trump and MAGA. But their grudge is not against them really, but against the entire concept of what the founding fathers wanted America to be. If you study the abuses the royalty of England did against the colonists, you will see the same in Democrat policy and actions. It even gets down to the level of Democrats wanting to force citizens to house illegals (for free of course) which was what the British imposed on the colonists to house the British soldiers. Echos repeat themselves because the dictatorial abuse at the bottom is the same.


Author: Pastor Dave

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