Democrats created Trump examines the factors that created a Donald Trump. Democrats caused him.
Table of Contents
- 1 Democrat Health Status
- 2 Partisanship was killed by Clinton, Obama, and Biden
- 3 The Iron Rule of Politics
- 4 Donald Trump Syndrome
- 5 But the iron rule in politics is payback.
- 6 What lesson should be learned?
- 7 What are the Democrats’ Future Plans?
- 8 What if the Democrats would have worked with the Republicans
Democrat Health Status
Democrats are in full melt down mode these days. Having lost the 2024 election, they went into depression. But with Trump entering into the Oval Office last week, Trump hit the ground running, and the Democrats are livid with rage at how much Trump is doing so quickly, so extensively. What’s worse and not mentioned is that many countries and entities are doubling down before Trump even before he took office. Amazing!
But the Democrat party has a terrible time thinking. They are constantly putting out propaganda, and they are not smart enough to discern that their own propaganda is just lies. This is the Hillary Clinton syndrome, where she believed her own lying Democrat polls and didn’t campaign in the blue wall states and lost the election because of it. A liar has a problem of his own lies, deceiving himself. When he needs those concepts to come through for him, they fail him because they are lies. He mistakes his own lying inventions as truth, and that is a tremendous flaw in his life.
But Democrats are whining and now outright crying foul by Trump. So let’s examine this.
Partisanship was killed by Clinton, Obama, and Biden
Political parties have formed over time in order for individuals to gain power and control over government. Maybe sometimes, or at least at one time, these people had altruist motives and wanted to serve the good of the entire country. But over time, money is involved, and as the country grows, so does the raw amounts of money changing hands. So there is a lot of money to be made if you can get into the process of governing.
This “rivalry” is cut-throat most of the time, but even now and again, the players rib each other, like at the Washington Correspondents dinner. They poke fun at their opponents to tone down the fighting. But starting with Bill Clinton, then Baraka Obama, and more recently Joe Biden, they have gotten the long knives out and have been brutal.
Partisanship is the concept that both (or all parties) work together for the good of the country. The key factor in partisanship is the participation of all parties in the making of decisions, the crafting of our laws and way of life. When the Democrats had some success (Obama) in governing (getting into power, not making our country better), they got to the point where they didn’t need partisanship. In other words, when you are not in power, you want the other side to be partisan, and listen to you, but when you are in power, you become stone deaf and cannot listen to anybody other than yourself. There is a blindness and deafness involved in this problem. You fall at the Hillary Clinton Syndrome again.
Since Obama, the Democrats have had little desire for partisanship. On the grand scale of things, they denied any reasoning or talking with Republicans. It is their way or the highway. As Obama put it, “Elections have consequences.” Why did he say that, and what does that mean?
Very simple, Obama started dictator-like talking and acting, and the Republican caucus pushed back. If partisanship was a thing then, then Obama would have listened to them and made what concessions he could, i.e. tone his posture down. Not be so offensive to his opponents. But Obama answered the Republican plea for partisanship with this saying, “Elections have consequences.” In other words, Obama was saying, “We won, so we don’t have to be partisan” (govern by the people of all political parties), “so suffer you losers!”
The Iron Rule of Politics
In politics, there is an iron rule which all players will put into force when necessary. What you do to me, I will do to you. Some might think this is the golden rule, but it is not. The golden rule of the Bible is “do unto others as you would have them do unto you.” (Matthew 7:12) It is similar, but the view in the Bible is do good unto others as you would want others to do good unto you. That should shape and guide our lives. But you abuse the Bible, God’s principles, and God will abuse you.
So in politics, what one party does to another, that will eventually come back to haunt them. This is the Golden Year (4 years) of Democrat Halloween, or the haunting of the Democrats. As in Halloween themes, fear, being scared, and terror are what rules. Enjoy your self-created terror, Democrats! Republicans, take note. Dealings with Democrats “as they have done to us” is invalid, and Republicans will suffer their own punishment from God in the future if this is what happens.
The Democrats have this “defeat-your-enemy-and-punish-and-squash-them-at-any-cost” attitude, using legitimate or illegitimate means as necessary. The Republican response should not be the same treatment they received given in kind back to the Democrats. It should be the principles of our Republic, the rule of law, is equally applied justly to all, to everybody. This is where Republicans have to break from tit-for-tat treatment that Democrats do.
Donald Trump Syndrome
Donald Trump is not the reason of the Democrat psychopathy, but rather, this “I have won, so suffer losers” attitude gone in the extreme. This is exactly what produced a Donald Trump, and in 20 years or so, another Donald Trump type person is waiting in the wings to come out again. (Byron Trump?) There is a law of God involved in this, and that bad actions are punished by God, who overrules all men.
But we get it that Donald Trump is not on the Democrat’s side. What the Democrats do not get, is that they passed a limit when they went after Donald Trump on a personal level. In high school debate, they are taught to never use “ad hominem” arguments. Rather than addresses the logic or fallacies in your opponent’s propositions, you attack the person instead of his arguments. This is exactly what they did with Trump.
The attacks against Trump have been over his personal life and actions. Trump is human, and we should not be surprised if he fails in his human life. He was married and divorced. Okay. Got that. But using anything in his personal life to attack him is off the books. We understand our leaders by their character, which is reflected in their words and actions, even on a personal level, but that is off-limits as far as political debate. This is not a “this-is-my-weapon-which-I-use-when-I-want-to,-but-you-cannot-use-the-same” thing. Nobody should be using this tactic. Being adults means you extend a certain amount of respect to others.
It is extremely hypocritical for Democrats in the Senate to want to investigate the personal life of Pete Hegseth in order to disqualify him from government office (Matt Gaetz is another example), when the Democrats are dragging the likes of Ted Kennedy’s infidelity, Bill Clinton which was just brass immorality, and even under Biden’s administration, open gays and lesbians (Biden’s press secretary, Karine Jean-Pierre). See Getting to Know Biden’s Many LGBTQ+ Appointed Officials. If all those people are “prohibited to talk about their personal sexual lives“, then how can you use accusations without evidence as a disqualifier when you are approving Republicans?
Trumps sex case is another example. The statute of limitations on such cases is at 7 years because people don’t remember details for years and years. They mind embellishes or changes what really happened. If there was not a treatment during the first years after the act, then the courts generally say, “It could be true, it could have happened, we would quibble about that, but you didn’t act in a timely manner, so you lost the right to press charges.” The woman who accused Trump didn’t remember when it happened, (not even the exact year), which is disturbing. If Trump did rape this woman, then how can she not have told anybody nor even remember the exact date? Because if she comes up with a specific date, Trump could produce evidence he was in Europe or someplace at that time. So this is highly illegal, and breaks our system of laws if we as a nation accept liable and slander to stand, even worse to disqualify a high government official on the basis of unsubstantiated hearsay.
But the iron rule in politics is payback.
That is why Biden issued all those pardons. Does a pardon protect a person from payback? Yes and no. Legally, maybe they do protect these people, but in these cases, there are always two parts, a legal criminal charge, and then a civil economic charge. These are separate. A presidential pardon cannot touch the civil side of things. Think, Fauci caused many deaths by his actions. By accepting Biden’s Presidential pardons, he admitted his guilt, and is pardoned. But not so fast. If say a class action suit of the families of 10,000 people who had their family member die because of Fauci’s false actions and statement were raised against Fauci for 10 billion dollars, specifically going after all the money that Fauci made in his position (he is the highest paid government employee in the United States) and all the money he made from the Covid vaccines which he is a partner with pharmaceutical companies, then you see where these people are not going to be enjoying their future most probably.
As a Christian, I do not believe in payback, but not everybody is a Christian, and even many Christians do things they shouldn’t. We will see.
What lesson should be learned?
The lesson that should be learned is if you take a steam roller over your enemies today, tomorrow, they may take that same steam roller over you.
I have no pity for the Democrat party in their present suffering. They are suffering the fruit of their actions.
Galatians 6:7 Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap. Galatians 6:8 For he that soweth to his flesh shall of the flesh reap corruption; but he that soweth to the Spirit shall of the Spirit reap life everlasting. Galatians 6:9 And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not. Galatians 6:10 As we have therefore opportunity, let us do good unto all men, especially unto them who are of the household of faith.
My worry is that when anybody gets into a position of power, it “goes to their head“, and they have the temptation to go overboard and abuse. I pray that he will not cede to that temptation. As far as the Democrats are concerned, it is totally absurd to cry “we need partisan politics, work between both parties” at this point. They ignored and stonewalled Republicans when they were in power, so it is disingenuous to use that line at this point.
What are the Democrats’ Future Plans?
It is very important to see where those steering the Democrat party “directs their ship.” If they want partisan politics like we had before the Biden-Obama-Clinton years (I know this ugly thing has raised in head before these recent politicians, as well in the Republican party), then let them show it by supporting Trump’s administration.
The most probable scenerio I see is that they will cry “we need partisan politics” for two years. During these next two years, they will take exactly what Newsome has done, fund anti-Trump plans. If the Democrats take either house of Congress in two years, they will return to “Elections have consequences and you lost” meme. If they win the presidency in 2028, then again the same thing.
Good faith is necessary for partisan politics. You do not disenfranchise your political opponents, but you cannot have good faith and allow your political opponents to “feather their nests.” Newsome wants probably a trillion dollars of federal taxpayers money WITH NO STRINGS ATTACHED! Of every $100 that the Federal government gives California, probably more than half goes into Democrat coffers somehow. The purpose that the government gives the money for is lost and the money is not spent on that thing.
What if the Democrats would have worked with the Republicans
The interesting thing is that if the Democrats would not have abused their power when they got it, mostly Trump would be playing golf all these years. They created their own boogeyman. The next 2 to 4 years, it will be fun to see them squirm. But as these things go, the nation will suffer one way or another. The people are the ones who pay the price.
Nancy Pelosi will have her mansion with 2 refrigerators dedicated to just every expensive ice cream on the planet. But the common working man is who will suffer because these people are playing government as a chess game, and the point of making a government and country that is a blessing TO EVERYBODY HERE is lost in the shuffle.
Democrats created Trump
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