Democrats want to Change the Supreme Court is an analysis of this topic from a balanced perspective.
So let’s start by playing the devil’s advocate. Fine. Give them their additional 5 or 8 judges. But let Trump choose them. That wouldn’t fly right? If the system has always been to let the president in office choose, and the consequence is that the court tilts towards that party’s beliefs.
The Democrats’ Fundamental Problem
The Democrat party has a fundamental problem that totally taints all they do and think, and that is that they put themselves above and over the Constitution and the founding fathers. The founding fathers put some leeway to change the system of our government, but they made a hard and fast way to do it, in the Constitution itself.
Since the Democrats’ changes are not based in law nor reason, it is simply how they want to take over and control. They use the system of government and law when it is convenient for them, and then when it is not, they want to change it or ignore it.
If you admit that our laws should be the same for everybody, then the Democrats change the Supreme Court when they can, and when the Republicans gain power again, it is going to be alright to change the system again? No. They will scream bloody murder. This is just not right.
Democrats want to Change the Supreme Court
More Articles dealing with the Supreme Court
Preaching to Offend no One is an article about frankness in preaching and preaching on things that need to be addressed, but many preachers shy away from these.
Topics: Comments on Brandon Cox's Article | What is the real problem? | A Profile of a Professional Man of God Preacher | Cowards are not going to make it to heaven. | Greed is the Tail that Wags the Dog | Balance
Excerpt: A good professional will do his job, however it inconveniences the people he touches. This is how a preacher who is a man of God will work. He tells his people the truth. Explaining the truth, so everybody understands it, he then motivates them to change their lives. A good preacher obeys God explicitly as much as he understands what God wants.
Preaching is like going to your doctor. A superb doctor examines you, does tests on you, and then he has a summary visit with you where he tells you all the things wrong with you, and how you need to 1) lose weight, 2) stop eating red meat, 3) get more exercise (or begin to exercise because you don't look like you have worked up a sweat since a cop pulled you over for speeding), etc. He tells you the truth, no matter how "offensive" it is.
Read the Article: Preaching to Offend no one.