How to Fix Election Fraud is an article by David Cox on how to fix election fraud in the United States examining where the problems are. This article is taken (and modified) in part from Software engineers report Dominion flipped ‘minimum of 138,000 votes’ from Trump to Biden in Michigan
Updated July 16, 2022 AT BOTTOM OF THIS PAGE
Table of Contents
- 1 Follow the Election Laws
- 2 Voter Registration ID cards should be issued
- 3 Election Voting Machines must be open to public inspection.
- 4 Use Paper Ballots
- 5 Post the Ballot Images on the Internet
- 6 Audit every polling place
- 7 Each polling place, county, precinct and state should act independently
- 8 Prevent Internet Voting
- 9 Crosscheck Voter Registrations Nation-wide to Eliminate Duplicates
- 10 Voting by mail needs to be improved
- 11 Voter Harvesting needs to be prohibited
- 12 Update July 16, 2022
- 13 More Articles dealing with Election Fraud
Follow the Election Laws
There are a lot of good laws on the books, but the problem is not that there are rules, guidelines and outright laws, the problem is people disobey these law without any repercussions. Should there be a bipartisan commission to investigate election fraud? No. When you make a commission with half Republicans and half Democrats, all they do is negate each other’s actions and nothing really gets done. There should a police body to investigate fraud, and they should be free from political bias.
Voter Registration ID cards should be issued
We already have these. But the problem here is that they do not have photos on them. They should also have fingerprints. Before a person votes, they should ink one of their fingers and leave their fingerprint in the election poll’s election book (beside their name). Doing this has two effects. #1 it should be will indelible ink that won’t come off for 24 hours preventing people from physically voting twice in an election. If their finger has this ink, they are blocked from voting a second time. #2 doing this will leave a trail that police can use to indict people who vote illegally in two places in a single election.
Without a voter registration card, a person will not be allowed to vote.
Election Voting Machines must be open to public inspection.
The software used should be public domain. There should not be tweaks or changes before an election.
Use Paper Ballots
With the increase in fraud, the simple solution is to just use paper ballots with watermarks that make it difficult to photocopy. If we do recounts anyway, why not just use paper ballots from the start. If the votes are counted at each voting place before being moved to the consolidation place, and in the actual polling place where people vote, the results are written on a piece of paper and posted publicly, this makes manipulation afterwards awkward at worse or impossible at best. Why don’t the election administration people want this? Because once a polling station posts on election night their results, those results are hard to change. That is what we need.
Post the Ballot Images on the Internet
Since the voting machines today are just scanners that scan the paper ballot, why cannot we post all of these scans on the Internet as they are being cast? The time between casting a ballot and the announcing of who is the winner is a key space of time where fraud is committed. If say every 30 minutes after 3:00 PM election day the ballots are posted as they are cast (with no name identification, just place, time, and an image of the ballot) then people can have more confidence in the election results. I would note that each county, precinct, or polling station can very easily have their own watermark to make them impossible to move to another place.
Audit every polling place
Since an election is of great importance, there should be an audit made of every polling station and the entire process from beginning to end every election.
Each polling place, county, precinct and state should act independently
In other words, from the bottom up, all results should be tallied a quickly after the election and posted publicly immediately. When results are consolidated at the next level, the same thing should apply. It is when everything is secret and brought into a single place, that is when the fraud happens. Keeping one party out of the counting process is a key factor that the party in the counting process is committing fraud.
Prevent Internet Voting
As all of this gets worse and worse in our day, the use of the Internet to vote should be prohibited. There is nothing wrong with a paper ballot, and what kind of citizen are you if you cannot get out of your house once every 4 years to vote for the president. While we are at, eliminate mail-in ballots. In the height of Covid, almost every single family went to the supermarket to buy food and probably spent at least a half hour there doing so. To vote, you rarely spent more than 10 minutes. So why is one impossible and the other normal and greatly possible?
Crosscheck Voter Registrations Nation-wide to Eliminate Duplicates
Every voter should have a unique voter registration ID keyed to their Social Security number, and those should be checked. 3 months before the election, both places where duplicates are encountered should receive a removal order, and wherever the person really is, he or she should get in contact or return something to the voter registration bureau saying this is where they really are. The other place would be dropped.
Voting by mail needs to be improved
While voting by mail needs to remain, it should not be for any reason. Being scared of catching a cold or some other disease while out is not a valid reason to vote by mail. Voting by mail should only be allowed for extreme cases where the person simply cannot vote in person. There has to be a reason other than he prefers not to.
While voting fraud is becoming common with mail-in ballots, a system needs to be made that will keep this from happening. The mail carriers are becoming the Democrats favorite works in mail-in ballots, and they simply look at what an area is generally (say Republican) and then either keep or dump in the trash can those ballots as they come in.
In the case of mail-in ballots, perhaps we can allow a limited number of these people to vote by the Internet in a secure interaction. First, the particular voting administration will prepare an electronic ballot. The person goes to a their website, enters his or her name, address, age, and social security care. Then they enter a photo id card like a driver’s license. Then maybe a credit card in their name to complete their identity verification. They must sign (check) that they will not vote in person in the election, and that they are not under coercion while they are presently voting.
Then they vote and sign out. Once signed out, they cannot return that election. Their mail-in ballot must be completed 2 months before the election. The voter book at each polling station will have an annotation for all the people who have already voted. If they say they didn’t vote yet, then their ballot is challenged, they are allowed to vote, and their ballot is put into a special envelope to be decided after the election.
Voter Harvesting needs to be prohibited
The practice of someone going around and collected people’s ballots should be prohibited. If they got their ballot by mail, they should be able to equally return the filled out ballot by mail. If coercive elements are prohibited in the polls places, the same principle should be applied here.
Update July 16, 2022
The simple problem here is that principally the Democrat party is benefiting from this election fraud, and they will not release and correct these fraud problems. It is not in their favor.
New York officials kept phantom voters on NYC rolls in violation of federal law, suit alleges
In court papers filed in Brooklyn federal court Wednesday, Judicial Watch said the city Board of Elections removed just 22 voters out of 5.5 million over a six-year period from 2016 to 2021 for a metropolis with over 5.5 million voters.
So they well know that they may lose present and future elections if it is a fair election. They overall want more people to register, because in registering people who really don’t care about voting opens a possibility that the Democrat party can vote in proxy for them. Not as they would have voted, but all checks by Democrat candidates.
Automatically sending unsolicited ballots to every registered voter means that these ballots are in the US mail system, and the US Main service is heavily populated by Democrat employees that can wholesale grab these unfilled out ballots and fill them out and submit them. This would seem to me to be a tremendous source of tilting the election and probably was exactly what happened to Trump.
There is another important point in the Democrat “game plan”. Simply put, they cannot convince the American people to their position because 1) their plan for government doesn’t work to benefit America nor Americans. We see that with the Democrat war on fossil fuel. There was no debate as to whether we should wean ourselves off of fossil fuel or not, just like a dictator, the Democrats decided and there is no other way that they will allow. Since when are we living in a dictatorship?
2) Since they have no game plan, no policies nor objectives to benefit America, Democrats have to win elections some “other way” than by winning at the polls. They cheat. The entire policy of open borders is based on the presumption that when all these people come freely into the US without the horrors and hard work of going through a normal naturalization process, then the Democrats think the illegals will vote democrat. But history has made it very clear to the foreigners in question that Democrats when in power of all the powers of government, they never make an amnesty law for them. Hispanics are wising up to this, (probably many other groups also), and they are turning against the Democrats. Most Hispanics are Catholic or Protestant and are pro life, so the Democrat mania for abortion is just distasteful for these people.
3) Anybody with an eye to see can clearly see that the Democrats do not know government nor business nor how things work, and they are causing a disaster in America. Remember, if a foreigner wants to come into the US, it is for economic benefit. If the Democrats destroy the normal business, driving everybody bankrupt, that will hit them also.
Democrats don’t understand the life of an illegal alien. When they come into the US, they were either unemployed in their previous country or probably making less than a few dollars a day in some poor job there. People making $4000 to $5000 a month in these foreign countries hardly ever are illegal aliens. It just doesn’t happen.
But once in the US, they will work for almost any amount of money no matter how little. They only cross the border by way of the cartels, and the cartels get all of their information and send people to check out their family. You don’t pay what the cartel wants each month your family gets visited by the cartel, and eventually they kill off your family members. So an illegal’s motivation to work is high. But if they get some kind of legal status in the US, they want to adopt the American lifestyle (1 family per home, lots of good stuff, car, college for the kids, medical services, etc.) They are in competition against the newest arrived illegals, and they cannot force their employers to pay them more. They turn against illegals as their curse that they cannot throw off. If they had college and training, they could earn more, but staying in a Spanish neighborhood working among illegals, they will never make much more than the illegals around them.
This sets up a hatred between them and newly arrived illegals. What Americans don’t understand is that there are a lot of Spanish speaking countries, and in this environment, they group by people from their own country (which they are competing with also, but if 1 Spanish illegal gets into a supervisor position having a say in hiring, the entire company will only have people from that country.
So totally without considering Joe Biden, the Democrat party is sitting on a pressure cooker that is just about to explode. They think they have everything under control, but that is just not so.
More Articles dealing with Election Fraud
- Democrat Fraud and Deliberate Treason
- Stuffing the Ballot Boxes
- Attorney on MI Dominion voting machines: 68% error rate in counting ballots
- Past Election Fraud
- When does an election result change because of fraud
- Fraud Evidences in the 2020 Election
- China owns DOMINION Voting Machines
- Analyzing for Illegal Ballots
- How to hack an Election Machine
- 2020 Election Integrity – A Snapshot Showing Where We Stand
Preaching to Offend no One is an article about frankness in preaching and preaching on things that need to be addressed, but many preachers shy away from these.
Topics: Comments on Brandon Cox's Article | What is the real problem? | A Profile of a Professional Man of God Preacher | Cowards are not going to make it to heaven. | Greed is the Tail that Wags the Dog | Balance
Excerpt: A good professional will do his job, however it inconveniences the people he touches. This is how a preacher who is a man of God will work. He tells his people the truth. Explaining the truth, so everybody understands it, he then motivates them to change their lives. A good preacher obeys God explicitly as much as he understands what God wants.
Preaching is like going to your doctor. A superb doctor examines you, does tests on you, and then he has a summary visit with you where he tells you all the things wrong with you, and how you need to 1) lose weight, 2) stop eating red meat, 3) get more exercise (or begin to exercise because you don't look like you have worked up a sweat since a cop pulled you over for speeding), etc. He tells you the truth, no matter how "offensive" it is.
Read the Article: Preaching to Offend no one.