China owns DOMINION Voting machines, and controls all the officials who run the machines at every level of US government. You think they will give Trump a fair shake and not help out “their boy” Biden?
So my question is simply, why do we (America) allow one of our enemies to be the providers of our voting machines? Why cannot we make a law that the apparatus of doing an election be using voting machines that are 100% American made and sustained, free from any political party? Make the owners and investors of said company 50% Democrats and 50% Republicans. Is that so hard in order to keep our elections pure?
Dominion is owned by communist China, which also runs the tech giants, the left-wing media and most of the Democrats in Congress
“Dominion’s Parent Company Arranges $400 Million Placement 1 Month Before Election: SEC Filing” – The Epoch Times:
A filing with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) shows that UBS Securities LLC arranged a private placement of $400 million with Staple Street Capital III, L.P. on October 8, 2020.
Staple Street Capital, a private equity firm located in New York, purchased Dominion Voting systems on July 17, 2018, for an undisclosed amount.
Three of four board members of UBS Securities LLC are Chinese according to Bloomberg, at least one of whom appears to reside in Hong Kong.
China owns DOMINION Voting Machines
Why do we allow such an important function in our elections to be outsourced to a foreign enemy?
If you can rig an election machine to throw an election into somebody winning who does NOT have a majority voting for them, then why use the machines? The world almost entirely uses paper ballots and count these by hand. Is our laziness is spending 2 or 3 hours on election day what is causing us to allow elections to be corrupted? Isn’t our freedom as a country more important than 2 or 3 hours of work? Most people who work in elections spend the entire day (up until 5 or 6 PM) in serving their country. What is a couple of hours more? Out of all of these poll workers, only a very few will be used in actually counting the ballots. Why not?
Dominion Voting Machines
Getting People to faithfully integrate in the Church is an article on how to get people to participate in your church. This article links to more articles dealing with these issues.
Topics: So we should start with the reason as far as why a Christian should congregate. | A. Why people come to church | The Wrong Reasons for Coming to Church | (1) Because somebody makes me go to church | (2) Because I want to find a Christian mate | (3) Because I want the economic benefits the church offers me | a. Christians have to renounce riches and the retaining of riches to be truly saved. | b. The value of a person's life is not in the possessions he owns. | c. Covetousness is a great sin before God. | d. Rich people hardly enter heaven. | e. Christians should seek mediocrity, neither rich nor poor. | e. Christians should seek mediocrity, neither rich nor poor. | (5) Because I want status, prestige, and power | (6) Because I want to be saved | (7) Because I want to be religious | (8) Because I want my husband/wife/children/parents to turn out right | (9) Because I was brought up in church, and it's my custom/habit | The Right Reasons for Coming to Church | (1) Because it is an evidence of true salvation. | (2) God commands me to go to church, and it should be my custom. | (3) It was the example left to us by the NT church and first century Christians. | (4) Church provides me with the opportunity to identify with Christ as my Savior. | (5) Church provides me with an opportunity to serve God by serving my brothers in Christ. | (6) Church provides me with the context to benefit from spiritually gifted ministers. | (7) Church provides me with the avenue to properly worship God. | (8) To comply with other commandments in my Christian life, I must do so in the context of church. | (9) Church facilitates the growth of my faith, the holiness of my life, and the purity of my doctrine.
Read the article: Getting People to faithfully integrate (There are several related studies in pdf downloads on this page).