The Divine Purpose of Government

The divine purpose of government looks at the reasons, purposes, and validity of government from God's point of view.

The divine purpose of government looks at the reasons, purposes, and validity of government from God’s point of view.

Does government exist to make us rich? No. How about well off? How about provide for us so we don’t have to work or work so hard? None of these concepts go to the root of why government exists.

Government exists to serve its people under the oversight of God. This negates a give away sugar daddy government. A government giving away things is always going to give the most and best to its favorites, and while that is fine with God, it always turns bad with sinful man. Should government give help to old people? The Democrat answer is yes, but only to “my old people,” not “your old people.”

To understand government, it does not produce anything. It takes by force and after consuming a large part of what it has taken it gives back only a little to its favorites and a few others. In Communist countries, it takes from all, the communist party heads get a lot, and a very small trickle comes down to the common man. This is a factor called bureaucracy where the government itself is the chief consumer of everything (getting fat and lazy), and the common man (taxpayer) pays for everything.

It is only in a democracy that the common man pretends to get a say. In America, the voice of a few are demanding that abortion be prohibited. It is the suppression and extinguishing of another person’s (with a soul) life. That kind of thing never happens in a communist system. Communist take others lives as if it is a normal person’s going to the bathroom, “everybody does it but in private”. The very bad practices of dictatorial governments are open to the world, and these people never let others enter on their consciences. You have to affect their pocket book to move them, or use violence and force.

China uses their prison system as a factory to produce cheap products to support their government. They pay their workers with a small bowl of rice. That is all. The Uyghurs are oppressed and organs are removed from them for the party’s desires.

The point in all of this is important to understand and focus on. Each person has a relationship with God their Creator, and ethics or morality is our responsibility before God. God commands us to obey the authorities over us Romans 13. Morally, we are condemned before God if we do not obey God’s designated authority. But it is also equally obligatory for those in government to obey God. The evil one uses our submission to government to cause harm to all.

Within the powers and possibilities that God allows us, we have an obligation to participate in government and push for our government to act in a way that is morally pleasing to God. Our individual and personal condemnation or approbation depends on our success at directing our government in acting well in the sight of God.

But it is very short-sighted to think government is our sugar daddy to give away like Christmas all our desires. God has placed government in place to keep us from harming one another, to live in peace. God condemns laziness, and in Genesis God has given mankind their reality.

Gen 3:19 KJV In the sweat of thy face shalt thou eat bread, till thou return unto the ground; for out of it wast thou taken: for dust thou art, and unto dust shalt thou return.

2Th 3:10 KJV For even when we were with you, this we commanded you, that if any would not work, neither should he eat.

So a person obedient to God works in order to live. That is God’s way. That is the only way. For those who illicitly take the results of other’s hard work, it is called stealing, and God condemns that person. God has mandated government to punish such people.

Rom 13:4-6 KJV 4 For he (the governor)  is the minister of God to thee for good. But if thou do that which is evil, be afraid; for he beareth not the sword in vain: for he is the minister of God, a revenger to execute wrath upon him that doeth evil. 5 Wherefore ye must needs be subject, not only for wrath, but also for conscience sake. 6 For for this cause pay ye tribute also: for they are God’s ministers, attending continually upon this very thing.

There is an overwhelming obligation to act morally correct in God’s eyes on everybody, but more so on people in government. When our government becomes a mass of immoral people with no ethics, our lives under Democracy become the same as those people in a communist state. Communists hate God, and so they refuse Him, and live amorally, sinfully. That harms the people around him, and especially those under his influence.

If we want good in our lives, we must seek that God as the favor of God, which only happens when we adhere to God’s morality, we obey God.

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Author: Pastor Dave

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