Chicago Governments Stores

Chicago Governments Stores This post is a reaction to what I read in the news about Mayor Brandon Johnson's plan to solve crime in Chicago.

Chicago Governments Stores This post is a reaction to what I read in the news about Mayor Brandon Johnson’s plan to solve crime in Chicago.

Chicago Mayor Brandon Johnson Wants to Open City-Owned Grocery Stores – The idea that to solve crime, you need to get rid of privately owned stores and use government owned stores (with the idea that the store will be heavily guarded by police) is an idea only a Democrat could come up with. Why not use police in the first place in the privately owned stores, and support the police to do their job?

Tax Payer Funded “Government Stores”

All Chicagoans deserve to live near convenient, affordable, healthy grocery options. We know access to grocery stores is already a challenge for many residents, especially on the South and West sides. A better, stronger, safer future is one where our youth and our communities have access to the tools and resources they need to thrive. My administration is committed to advancing innovative, whole-of-government approaches to address these inequities.

To understand the double-speak in the Mayor’s words, just ask yourself a simple question, If it wasn’t so costly (city/county taxes) to open a store in Chicago, maybe more businesses would do so? What he is not saying is that he (the Democrats in control of Chicago) have made this situation because of 1) high taxes, 2) high crime. Neither of these issues are addressed. What really needs to be done is to address the real problems of Chicago instead of making a big show of fixing the small stuff. Put a band aide on a cut while the hand is cut off and the person is dying.

The partnership comes as a plethora of mega-retailers have closed multiple stores in Chicago. For example, Walmart closed four out of its remaining eight stores in Chicago in April. Walgreens and Aldi are among the other businesses that have shut down stores in Chicago.

There is a Problem Here

The most important point that Johnson dances around and never addresses is why normal grocery stores WERE IN THESE AREAS AROUND CHICAGO, AND THEY LEFT! THEY SHUT DOWN THEIR BUSINESSES. WHY?

If you go to a doctor with a medical problem, the first thing he does is find out why you have that problem, what is the cause, and then he treats it. But Mayor Johnson doesn’t want to find the problem. His “solution” is socialism. Government owned everything, but only the government politicians can control and get gain from it.

What is the problem then? Crime and high taxes.

Although Johnson’s police chief Umi Grisby claimed the city would not be “spending any taxpayer dollars,” Johnson’s office said the grocery stores would be funded by grant money from state and federal tax dollars.

This is ridiculous. Grisby says they “would not be spending any taxpayer dollars” BUT it would be funded by “grant money from state and federal tax dollars.” Exactly how are state and federal tax dollars (from taxpayers) not taxpayer dollars? I don’t get the logic here, because the truth is obviously the exact opposite of what he says. I mean within the same sentence he contradicts himself. Who doesn’t see that?

The Socialist Model

What we have to understand here is that the model is more of what the general Democrat party wants, socialism. If Socialism hasn’t worked in the past, and obviously, in Russia, China, Venezuela, Cuba, etc. what you see is a very few government officials making themselves filthy rich while the run-of-the-mill citizen starves to death. Why would we want that in America? Will it work in Chicago? 1) The stores will go into the red. 2) The problems with crime will demand the attention of the police, and because it is a “government store”, the police present will be excessive, and that will pull them from what general duties the police should be looking after. 3) Taxes for people living in Chicago will go up. So this problem will feed into the primary cause, causing it to wildly grow.

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    Chicago Governments Stores

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