Why do taxpayers have to fund perversion?

Homosexuals want US taxpayers to fund their perverse lifestyle, and Democrats make it happen.

Since when and why should every taxpayer be forced to give their tax dollars to groups that they find are morally opposite to their religious beliefs and practices? Opposite to how they vote?

I note that there have been battles in Congress on our tax dollars funding abortions. Supposedly, all agreed that federal tax dollars would not be used to fund abortions “overseas”, and when that was also applied to US abortion clinics like Planned Parenthood (should be decisive no children planning, even after sex), somehow the “will of the people” (the majority) has been ignored, and they did it anyway and hid it.

Homosexuals want Liberty yet do not Respect the Liberty of Others

If all homosexuals and trans were put in jail for their lifestyle, you would think it would the end of the world for these people. But to understand this, the point is that the liberty that normal people extend to these perverts is not reciprocated by them to others. In other words, they insist that nobody can force some other morality on them, but they presume to force their lack of morality on others. The Democrat party is the party that epitomizes this hypocrisy. Whenever a non-Democrat has false accusations against them, the Democrats insist that the false accuser has to be believed and that opponent of theirs punished.

But when the Democrats openly practice injustice, like Hunter Biden’s lifestyle, the gays and trans in the Biden administration, they insist on the opposite. Because they are Democrats, they are free from any condemnation or guilt, and nobody can even say a word without them throwing “Racism” back at people who observe the truth.

Just look at the difference in treatment between Bill Clinton’s sex scandals, when there was forensic evidence on the girl’s dress, and how he was never called to task for that, and he lied under oath to Congress. That causes a person to question his oath of office, of everything he ever said as president. What else did he lie about? But Donald Trump’s rape accuser was defended that we have to believe her, because she was a woman (who, if she was raped, cannot remember the year, the month, the date, nor any other important details).

Nobody is above the Law (except Democrats)

I would also note, Democrats cry that nobody is above the law, yet the New York law in that case, the statute of limitations period, had expired. Trump was running for president back then. So they didn’t care. Yet that was the law. The accusation could be brought back up. But they changed the law just so they could accuse Trump. Yet the law speaks of the grandfather clause, that is, when a law is changed, it cannot be retroactively be applied back to bring a person into jeopardy. In other words, if they wanted to change their law (New York City), fine, from the day they officially changed it forward, it would apply, but you cannot go backwards and prosecute for something done before the law was made or changed.

The cry, “nobody is above the law” is hollow, because their practices exactly declare the opposite. Nobody that opposes them is above them holding the law to accuse them, but you cannot do the same to them. This is a two tier justice system.

Why is this saying used to defend lawfare against a Conservatie (Trump) yet they allow millions of illegal entries into the US as though it was their right to live and work here, and enjoy the benefits of America? This is called hypocrisy, and we need to call it out and refuse to hear it. Our country is built on the principle that the same laws that are applied to one person, has to be applied to others.

Federal Taxes funding Perversion

What makes the situation worse is that they have used the government to take from taxpayers and make them fund their perverse homosexual lifestyle.

I am Baptist, and I do not advocate this, but if the US government were to forcefully tax billions of dollars and give that money to Baptists, seizing property and assets if somebody didn’t pay their taxes, even placing them in jail, would all the people who are not Baptists like that? Absolutely not!

So why am I forcibly made to pay my taxes to go to promoting gays and trans? We all need to pay our taxes to pay for emergency services like police, medics, and firefighters, but morality isn’t involved in those things. They serve the people in recognized good ways. Didn’t our founding fathers prohibit government from promoting one religion over another? Because it is hidden from us doesn’t it right.

Homosexuality is either a Religion or it is not

You cannot have this both ways. If homosexuality is a deeply held belief and practice that government cannot touch with laws, then it cannot be a benefactor of our taxes. It is a defacto religion.

If it is simply a non-religious practice like driving a car, then government should legislate it like any other practice. The entire homosexual trans lifestyle full of medical dangers and abuse between people involved in that.

Children (without understanding and experience) have their bodies abused. Numerous under-age children that have had medical procedures to trans regret it shortly thereafter, cannot fix what they did, enter into depression and end in suicide. Those who don’t, are marred for life. Kids who have their bodies disfigured should be protected by laws from those people who deceive and abuse them.

The Way Government “Does Business”

The problem here is not just the injustice, but also the way our government “does business”. Corrupt lawmakers have removed the slow and careful consideration of laws and federal funding (through research, debate, and public examination and voicing of concerns) from dealing with individual things to the only way a law gets passed is “in a package”. Thousands of totally unrelated matters (and funding them with US taxpayers contributions) get passed without a thorough examination and evaluation.

Often they are proposed and voted for without even the lawmakers being able to read them. We cannot trust people. That is the truth of this. Fauci diverted “gain of function” in viruses, without that little detail coming forth in what he approved. (Gain of function in diseases has been prohibited from before he did what he did.) Again, where is Fauci called to task for acting above the law, ignoring and deliberately disobeying the law, and all he got was the highest government paid salary in the United States, and a beefy retirement (and a presidential pardon to gall us even more).

Omnibus Bills versus Line-Item Veto

A favorite of our lawmakers today is omnibus bills, where you have to accept everything or nothing. They use the matter of something considered essential like funding emergency services or the military, and they “put pork barrel spending” into it. Unrelated matters that are funded by these lengthy bills that are just give-aways to some of their supporting base. That is where the problem lies.

Line item veto is how this is stopped, and really these bills should be broken up completely and each matter considered and voted on individually. Nancy Pelosi’s maneuver of making a tens-of-thousands-of-pages bill to fund things, and forcing a vote in hours, up or down, with her solution to the impossibility of examing such a beast in less than 24 hours with “pass it sight unseen and see what is in it afterwards” is ridiculous. All such lawnakers should be tarred and feathered and run out of government.

Government does not follow up on what they Fund

Beyond that, the laziness of government following up on how funding to some cause or group is actually used. But our government does not verify if they did receive the money (or some other entity diverted their money to something else.) And there is no guarantee that those who have received those funds used them for what they given for.

Case in point, Newsom wants billions for the California fires. But with no strings attached. So if the Congress taxes 1 trillion dollars of taxpayer money given to the house owners that lost their houses, (paying your taxes is not optional remember) and then Newsome prevents the majority of those funds from actually getting to the people whose houses burnt down, and Newsome diverts the majority into building the California Democrat machine to prepare for his next presidential run, how is that supposed to be good government?

Making a Change in How Government Works

I saw somebody mention a suggestion that I wholeheartedly endorse that in our modern digital age we should link all the Congressmen who voted for a bill with how they voted for or against that bill. If we break apart these bills individually, come election time, a voter would go to a page on a Congressional website, look up a Congressman and see exactly what they voted for and against. Their actual past history in government would be the basis for whether to vote for them or against them.

We the people need to force our government to stop this deception. We need light to shine on exactly what our representatives are doing.

Understanding how Graft and Corrupt Actually Works

We need to proclaim the truth, and lies, deceptions, and hypocrisy elimenated from society.

Today any group or cause simply is not necessarily what it proclaims itself to be. I really don’t believe money going to a progay group in a muslim country where they kill gays is legitimate. They are a front organization for terrorists, and simply use that front to get US funds. It is all involved with graft.

If our lawnakers use taxpayer money for some purpose, it is equally their responsibility to make sure the intended group gets all of that money. No third party should be allowed to cut into that funding “for administrative purposes.” What Congress votes for should go to those intented and should be spent on what it was resignated for.

Our taxpayers’ support for Ukraine has returned to the US in the form contributions to the very dame politicians that voted for money to go to them. The DOJ should criminally prosecute this, and we should not allow these same politicians to make the grift and benefit from it.

Newsome’s High Speed Rail to Nowhere

Newsome’s California high speed rail project has been hundreds of billions of dollars over budget. Simply put, the money has disappeared with nothing to show for it. Yet a lot of that funding has come from federal funds. Tthe matter is not California misspending their own money but all taxpayers taxes. How is this completely okay with our politicians?

If somebody does “shine the light of truth” on what is going on, this government kargeess will only get worse. The ones stealing our taxpayer dollars are the very ones howling the most today.

More Articles on Big Government

Getting People to faithfully integrate in the Church
is an article on how to get people to participate in your church. This article links to more articles dealing with these issues.
Topics: So we should start with the reason as far as why a Christian should congregate. | A. Why people come to church | The Wrong Reasons for Coming to Church | (1) Because somebody makes me go to church | (2) Because I want to find a Christian mate | (3) Because I want the economic benefits the church offers me | a. Christians have to renounce riches and the retaining of riches to be truly saved. | b. The value of a person's life is not in the possessions he owns. | c. Covetousness is a great sin before God. | d. Rich people hardly enter heaven. | e. Christians should seek mediocrity, neither rich nor poor. | e. Christians should seek mediocrity, neither rich nor poor. | (5) Because I want status, prestige, and power | (6) Because I want to be saved | (7) Because I want to be religious | (8) Because I want my husband/wife/children/parents to turn out right | (9) Because I was brought up in church, and it's my custom/habit | The Right Reasons for Coming to Church | (1) Because it is an evidence of true salvation. | (2) God commands me to go to church, and it should be my custom. | (3) It was the example left to us by the NT church and first century Christians. | (4) Church provides me with the opportunity to identify with Christ as my Savior. | (5) Church provides me with an opportunity to serve God by serving my brothers in Christ. | (6) Church provides me with the context to benefit from spiritually gifted ministers. | (7) Church provides me with the avenue to properly worship God. | (8) To comply with other commandments in my Christian life, I must do so in the context of church. | (9) Church facilitates the growth of my faith, the holiness of my life, and the purity of my doctrine.
Read the article: Getting People to faithfully integrate (There are several related studies in pdf downloads on this page).

Author: Pastor Dave

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