Twisted Presidential Pardons

Twisted Presidential Pardons examines Joe Biden's last horrible acts in protecting the swamp.

Twisted Presidential Pardons examines Joe Biden’s last horrible acts in protecting the swamp.

Democrats’ “Nobody is above the Law”

Democrats persecuted Trump’s people with prison. Breitbart CEO Steve Bannon, and the January 6 pacific marchers, for example. Biden did not pardon these people, but he did pardon, truly, bad people who didn’t deserve a pardon.

Fauci has no reason to receive be receiving a pardon, and if he does, then he did something wrong. Where is his public confession, and when will we get all the details of what he did wrong? Did all the deaths and misuse of our taxpayer money not affect him in any way? Yes. That is what it appears to be.

He obviously disobeyed Congress in allowing funding to go to a research lab in China that did gain of function to the COVID virus. Whether he specifically authorized or instructed them to do it or not is not the issue. As a steward of the public’s money and under the authority that Congress invested in him to disperse taxpayer money, he should have had his people to investigate if it was taking place or not. He should know from investigations into what they were doing, and he should have reported that to Congress and the President. The fact that taxpayer money was going to China for research is another disturbing issue.

Joe Biden’s Abuse of the Presidential Pardon

If Joe Biden’s people, that received pardons, did something illegal and wrong, then let’s start with an admission from them of what they did wrong before a Congressional committee under oath. Go before a Congressional investigation and spill the beans of what they did wrong. Secondly, a true righteous pardon in the past is different from what Biden did.

A person doing something wrong and then being investigated, going to jail, and after serving their time, then they go free. A presidential pardon cuts short the sentence of the person, and because there are overwhelming reasons of justice. No, these pardons have never been investigated nor have these people been sentenced for wrong doing.

Presidential pardons are a shame if they are used for covering criminal activity that is ongoing. In Monopoly, you get a “Get out of Jail” card for future use. Presidential pardons were never intended for this use.

What is a Pardon?

So the entire act of Biden pardoning people, who are supposedly innocent, is a confused understanding of what a pardon is. What Biden did was protect his criminal co-conspirators. Biden and the Democrats should be called out for this. The excuse that Biden was just being a good father is baloney. A good father doesn’t approve his son’s lifestyle of drugs, hookers, etc. He rebukes him. Tough love is to be able to pardon Hunter, but you don’t because you understand that your son needs to learn. Jail is a learning experience.
A presidential pardon is when justice is better served by cutting short a person’s punishment because information that they are innocent comes to light. In other words, they are investigated, fully convicted as criminals, and serving their sentence, and then the pardon cuts that short. Pardons were never intended to protect criminals from investigation and prosecution. The entire principle of a pardon was twisted by Joe Biden.

Admission of Guilt

A conviction of guilt has to come first. The individual has to confess why they were justly convicted. They have to admit their crimes. When DNA evidence or such comes to light, the justice system rectifies the injustice by releasing the convicted person early. Judges do not pardon people who claim that they never did anything wrong. How can they say they were unjustly convicted if there is no investigation of a crime in the first place, much less receiving a conviction against them?
For example, Joe Biden gave a pardon to Hunter on his tax case. So if your son buys a new car and wrecks it driving out of the dealership, the American taxpayers should reimburse him with public taxpayer money? No. Everybody has to pay their taxes, so why shouldn’t Hunter have to pay. To have some Democrat donate Hunter’s penalties and taxes is wrong. He admitted to the income, so his tax burden should be paid by him. Who in America does not understand this, how income and taxes work? No one can skate on their own tax responsibility.

Hunter Lying to Authorities about Drug use in the Gun Permit

No one is above the law. Hunter lied under oath when getting a gun permit. Is Hunter under the law like everybody else or not? This was a personal decision he made because he wanted a gun. Democrats want guns taken away from everybody, and preventing people using drugs to have a gun is actually a good idea. Neither conservative nor liberal is making the case for arming druggies. Where are the anti-gun people on Hunter’s pardon? Crickets.

Being a Good Father

But if your father is a big wig in government, does that mean you do not have to tell the truth before the government? If somebody wants public assistance or even foreigners applying for residency, are they allowed to lie?
The Democrats have cried that because no one is above the law, they had to go after Trump. Well, the law is not what you say it is. The law is made clear in what Congress passes, and what police and judges discharge in keeping that law, set in permanent form in our laws.
So if Trump and the Republicans in Congress go after anybody breaking the law, that is too bad for those suffering. Elitism is that they are above the law. Better than everybody else. More privileged than anybody else. Hunter has to face the consequences of his actions, just like the other bad actors in Democrat’s lawfare. If they don’t then they cannot use the phrase nobody is above the law.
God is the final judge, jury, and executioner, and while the Democrats can manipulate this situation, God’s justice will eventually come for them. Prison is about taking forcibly what you like away from you. Restricting your freedoms and what you want to do in life. In this case, voters should immediately take power from Democrats.

Nobody is Above the Law

When the privileged are not under the law, everybody who is under the law is offended. The irony here cannot be overlooked. Biden got a new law through Congress that gave billions and hired 87,000 new IRS collection officers, so nobody can skate on paying their tax obligations, but the president who pushed this and signed it into law pardons his own son to avoiding paying his tax obligation is just too much iron, and it is galling to everybody that has to pay their taxes. I mean, getting illicit income is not enough now, the Democrats want a pardon from paying their own legal and legitimate tax burdens. As Joe said, “come on guys!” What is next?


What is next is pardon before sin? Indulgences. Catholicism has erred in giving pardon before committing a sin. That means the person sins in full knowledge that what he is doing is wrong, and he just doesn’t care. This is where the concept gets a specific name, impunity. Impunity means the person thinks he is above the law.

Luke 17:3 Take heed to yourselves: If thy brother trespass against thee, rebuke him; and if he repent, forgive him. Luke 17:4 And if he trespass against thee seven times in a day, and seven times in a day turn again to thee, saying, I repent; thou shalt forgive him.

The point is, in most matters, pardon is granted when the person fulfills his punishment or at least admits his wrong doing. Presidential pardons are only when the system breaks down, i e. DNA technology got to the point where innocence could be proven when the legal system at the time of trial couldn’t. Where is Hunter in that? He admitted he did wrong in court, so he should go to jail, he should pay his debt to society. But while he admitted to having income, why would anybody accept that he doesn’t have to pay his taxes? Why didn’t Biden instruct the IRS commissioner to go after Hunter Biden? Because Joe Biden is a good father? A good father would tell his son to pay it.

Elitism is not a valid reason for a presidential pardon.

A person can sin by getting drunk at a bar, but if he gets in a car wreck going home, God can forgive him if he confesses his wrongdoing and repents, but his broken bones (consequences) from the wreckless behavior will remain. Each person, whether forgiven or not, will live with the consequences of their actions. Hunter will not pay his taxes. Is this a Republican persecution maneuver, or a Democrat sliding on their own personal responsibilities? Pretty obvious, the latter.
All this is an exceptionally obvious example of how Democrats think and act as hypocrites, yet we simply must give in to them.

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Author: Pastor Dave

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