Tag: Abortion

Planned Parenthood Markets Abortion Pill To 10-Year-Olds

Planned Parenthood Markets Abortion Pill To 10-Year-Olds

Planned Parenthood Markets Abortion Pill To 10-Year-Olds is commentary on an article about promoting abortion among 10 year olds.

The Family the Foundation of Our Society

The Family the Foundation of Our Society

The Family the Foundation of Our Society is a reaction from me as pastor to an article calling for the destruction of the family.

Depopulation is next to Murder discusses identifying Satan and his workers versus what God's blessing is, and its effects.

Depopulation is next to Murder

Depopulation is next to Murder discusses identifying Satan and his workers versus what God’s blessing is, and its effects.

Democrats Hamas Horror and Abortion

Democrat’s Hamas Horror and Abortion is an examination of Democrats pro-abortion position and the Hamas killing babies, twisting knives in them, and de-heading them.

Democrat war on the Traditional Family

Democrat war on Traditional Family

Democrat war on the Traditional Family is an opinion piece about what the Democrats’ true position is towards the traditional family.

Abortion: A Difficult Decision

Abortion: A Difficult Decision

Abortion: A Difficult Decision is a post about the difficulty of making the abortion decision, and that in and of itself means that it is wrong to have an abortion.

Abortion News and Articles

Abortion News and Articles

Abortion News and Articles is an index page to articles on this website (and others) about abortion as well as news articles concerning Abortion. (I am prolife)