Antrim Dominion machine forensic analysis

Antrim Dominion machine forensic analysis

Antrim Dominion machine forensic analysis and the problems in this election, the evidence of fraud used by Democrats and ignored by Republicans.

The topline summary is that the Dominion machines in Antrim County were set up to send almost 70% of votes to “adjudication.”*

*Adjudication is where a human (two actually, one from each party in the election) sit down and look at the ballot and decide which person the voter meant. If they cannot come to an agreement, then it goes to a federal judge I believe. According to the Federal Election Commission laws for elections, those who put on elections cannot use any machine for the voters to vote if it produces more than .0008% of the ballots for adjudication. So this stinks royally!

It was this “adjudication” process that dictated which candidate would receive the vote.  And just to make the process more opaque, Antrim County did something in 2020 it had never done since it started using the machines: it deleted all the adjudication entries.  The server logs are also missing.

With that heads up, here are summaries of the main points: the audit found that two different Dominion software programs were in use.  Programs should be standardized throughout an election “if election tabulation is the expected outcome as required by US Election Law.”  This type of difference “is a design feature to alter election outcomes.”  Under the Help America Vote Act, the Safe Harbor factor mandates that changes to election systems must cease 90 days before an election.  Michigan made these illegal changes and used the invalid second vote counts for certification purposes.

Most states using these machines updated the software the night before the election!

On November 6, after an illegal post-election software update, there was a vote recount in tiny Central Lake Township (fewer than 1,500 voters) that saw the same 1,400-plus ballots being run through the system twice, with a greater than 60% change in outcomes.  Federal election law allows a ballot error rate standard of 0.0008%.  These changes “demonstrate[] conclusively that votes can be and were changed during the second machine counting.  That should be impossible.”

If you can rig an election machine to throw an election into somebody winning who does NOT have a majority voting for them, then why use the machines? The world almost entirely uses paper ballots and count these by hand. Is our laziness is spending 2 or 3 hours on election day what is causing us to allow elections to be corrupted? Isn’t our freedom as a country more important than 2 or 3 hours of work? Most people who work in elections spend the entire day (up until 5 or 6 PM) in serving their country. What is a couple of hours more? Out of all of these poll workers, only a very few will be used in actually counting the ballots. Why not?


Dominion Voting Machines

    Ballot Problems

    Preaching to Offend no One
    is an article about frankness in preaching and preaching on things that need to be addressed, but many preachers shy away from these.
    Topics: Comments on Brandon Cox's Article | What is the real problem? | A Profile of a Professional Man of God Preacher | Cowards are not going to make it to heaven. | Greed is the Tail that Wags the Dog | Balance
    Excerpt: A good professional will do his job, however it inconveniences the people he touches. This is how a preacher who is a man of God will work. He tells his people the truth. Explaining the truth, so everybody understands it, he then motivates them to change their lives. A good preacher obeys God explicitly as much as he understands what God wants.
    Preaching is like going to your doctor. A superb doctor examines you, does tests on you, and then he has a summary visit with you where he tells you all the things wrong with you, and how you need to 1) lose weight, 2) stop eating red meat, 3) get more exercise (or begin to exercise because you don't look like you have worked up a sweat since a cop pulled you over for speeding), etc. He tells you the truth, no matter how "offensive" it is.

    Read the Article: Preaching to Offend no one.

    Author: Pastor Dave

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