The Achievements of Joe Biden 2024

The Achievements of Joe Biden 2024 is a short observation that Joe Biden has done nothing good in his 4 years, but Trump has his own record of his first term, which was excellent!

The Achievements of Joe Biden 2024 is a short observation that Joe Biden has done nothing good in his 4 years, but Trump has his own record of his first term, which was excellent!

Overview of What Joe Biden has Done

Joe Biden will give a SOTU address, where he will continue his gaslighting of the American public of “all the wonderful things he has accomplished.” The problem with this is that Joe Biden is so out of touch with reality, that this will be the greatest work of fantasy that even Hollywood could not top.

But if we look realistically at what he has done, we want to cry, not rejoice.

“My policies are just beginning to work.”

Biden has thrust his Bidenomics economic policy into the light that “it is just beginning to work”. Well, let’s look at that point just a minute. Isn’t that an admission that what he has been doing for the last 3 years and so many months hasn’t shown that it is working?

If you remember back to when Donald Trump won in 2016, because the business world were expecting that his policies would bring back America from the edge of a recession, the business world and the stock market started a growth spurt that was not caused by anything Trump had as yet done (he hadn’t entered office yet), but the business world was all encouraged by just the fact that Trump was taking over the presidency in a few months, from November through January.

If the business world reacted so positively (and they were rewarded for their anticipation, because under Trump, the economy and America was on a roll the whole time he was president), why didn’t they do the same thing for Biden? What has happened is that Biden was expected to ruin the economy, and what people expected from Biden, Biden gave them just that 1000x times over.


What can we expect from Joe Biden?

Joe Biden is trying to set up traps for Trump in case that Trump wins. This seems obvious. But Biden has ruined so many things in America that it is a long and detailed list of these things.

When a politician has to turn to gaslighting, completely lying about his accomplishments, and then rebuking normal people because they are suffering under his policies, that is really a problem for him. Donald Trump really doesn’t have to do much to win this election, just try to keep the Democrats from cheating again.

The Achievements of Joe Biden 2024

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Author: Pastor Dave

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