Category: Frontline News

Murder is Morally Wrong is a "sermon" on why murder is morally wrong, and our society should oppose it at every turn.

Murder is Morally Wrong

Murder is Morally Wrong is a “sermon” on why murder is morally wrong, and our society should oppose it at every turn.

Covid Vaccines are ineffective

Covid Vaccines are ineffective

Covid Vaccines are ineffective examines modern medical proof that the Covid vaccines are not what they are supposed to be.

Do Masks really Help?

Do Masks really Help?

Do Masks really Help? In this opinion piece I want to examine if masks are really effective and necessary or are they just another restriction by certain people in charge to show their power over other people.

Depopulation is next to Murder discusses identifying Satan and his workers versus what God's blessing is, and its effects.

Depopulation is next to Murder

Depopulation is next to Murder discusses identifying Satan and his workers versus what God’s blessing is, and its effects.

Weren't we getting Covid Vaccines to Protect us?

Weren’t we getting Covid Vaccines to Protect us? Updated

Weren’t we getting Covid Vaccines to Protect us? An examination of the change in the official narrative from the government.

We're in a Recession with High Inflation

We’re in a Recession with High Inflation

We’re in a Recession with High Inflation is an acknowledgement that we have monetary problems, and Biden and the Democrats are responsible for it.

Biden's Train Wreck on the Economy

Biden’s Train Wreck on the Economy

Biden’s Train Wreck on the Economy is an analysis of several points of Biden’s acts and the economy (and also the motor for inflation).

Monkey Pox and Kids

Monkey Pox and Kids

Monkey Pox and Kids is an article of reflections about this new disease that is supposed to overtake the United States health.

Gates Depopulation by Covid Vaccinations

Gates Depopulation by Covid Vaccinations

Gates Depopulation by Covid Vaccinations. Bill Gates has expressed his solution  to world problems by saying that he is hoping that the current Covid vaccinations will kill many people.

Old and White, Go to the end of the Vax line

Old and White, Go to the end of the Vax line

Old and White, Go to the end of the Vax line is about discrimination against old white men.

How serious is Covid Omicron?

How serious is Covid Omicron?

How serious is Covid Omicron? is an observation and thoughts on the news that 70% of Covid cases are Omicron and no deaths in the US.

200 Members of Congress Were Treated With Ivermectin

200 Members of Congress Were Treated With Ivermectin

200 Members of Congress Were Treated With Ivermectin is a video about how this drug is being used and chosen by congress to protect and heal them.

95% of Omicron cases are in vaccinated people

95% of Omicron cases are in vaccinated people

95% of Omicron cases are in vaccinated people is an article about this surprising statistic that is coming out now.

Pfizer study on how much good their vaccine does

Pfizer study on how much good their vaccine does

Pfizer study on how much good their vaccine does is an honest video about the Pfizer study on their vax and the problems with it. It shows errors.

Blood Clots after Covid Vaccine

Blood Clots after Covid Vaccine

Blood Clots after Covid Vaccine is a video about people who got blood clots after getting the Covid vaccine.

Today's News January 3, 2022

Today’s News January 3, 2022

Today’s News January 3, 2022 Covid, Joe Biden, and BBB, Global Warming.

Covid Vaccines Index Page

Covid Vaccines Index Page

Covid Vaccines Index Page is an index and summary page of information that I find about the vaccines and the disease.

The Impact of Covid on Local Churches

The Impact of Covid on Local Churches

The Impact of Covid on Local Churches is a pastor’s view of what Covid did to the Lord’s work specifically regarding local churches.

Biden's Flying-in Covid Requirements

Biden’s Flying-in Covid Requirements

Biden’s Flying-in Covid Requirements some personal experiences and a view on why Biden’s requirements to enter the country is wrong.