Throwing Joe Biden Under the Bus looks at what the Democrat party did to Joe Biden, their legally elected candidate for the 2024 election.
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I am a Republican by conviction and practice. So my opinions in this article are not slanted by one faction of the Democrat party against another. I am a Republican looking into the Democrat mess.
Having cleared that up, I am an American. I believe in the system of government, which is a Constitutional Republic. In other words, elections are the will of the majority built upon a foundation of the Constitution. There are over arching principles which control everything. We cannot have a vote to overthrow our government, even if the majority says yes. Moreover, the way in which we conduct elections has to be in an approved, open, and fair way. In our day, we have to excessively focus on the ways bad actors have perverted election results in the past. One of these ways that we are seeing in recent years is in the counting. Even when everything in the voting and receiving of voted ballots is correct (it has not been correct), but the counting is also where more fraud is committed.
The American way is not to overturn every election, but on occasions, yes. These occasions to overturn elections results are not based if it is to the advantage of one particular party, though.
What the Democrats have done to Joe Biden is a shame.
There is a point where people get old, and they cannot do what younger people can do, even what they had done before themselves when they were younger. Joe Biden’s record in government shows that he is not a good politician, nor does he understand life in America. Many politicians pretend or try to convince us that they are experts in life and government, but their policies don’t seem good in any way. Joe is like this.
But nonetheless, let’s give Joe Biden his due. If he is elected, then people have to accept that he is their president. His own party should support him. There are things that need to be enforced, basically, these start with what ANY American that enters government should be given. The first of these is respect. Again, I am not a Democrat, but it really irks me to see what some people do to whomever is President at the moment. The “opposition party” regularly has a heyday with attacking anything and everything that their opponent does wrong or befalls him. Maybe that is always going to happen, but even so, some respect. Sky News in Australia have a lot of news about our governmental system, and they regularly make fun of Joe Biden. I don’t think they should do that. Maybe our own news agencies are so far into the pocket of the Democrat party that any honest evaluation of people and actions, events, is not going to happen unless it is against a Republican, but still.
But this respect thing goes two ways. The governed should respect their government leaders, but the government leaders should respect the voters.
Joe Biden should have never entered any elected office
From Biden’s record, he should never have entered the Vice Presidency (really any office). Even within his own Democrat party, the black vote should have shut him out because he idolized a Klu Klux Klansman and associated with that part of the Democrat party. But that is another story.
Let’s just tell the truth about Joe Biden. He is inept. In other words, he doesn’t do anything well. The assassination attempt on Donald Trump has ineptitude written all over that, and it “fits” Joe Biden’s history and way of doing things. Without examining profoundly all the details of the matter, you just see elements of ineptitude. That is how Joe has always done things.
Barack Obama chose Biden as his vice president because of this ineptitude. Republicans were not going to remove Barack because if they succeeded, they would have ended up with Joe Biden, which was supposed worse than Obama. But nonetheless, America got Joe Biden anyway. There is a lesson in there somewhere that we should not refuse to do the hard thing (impeach Barak Obama because what he did was illegal and unconstitutional).
But Obama wanted a Joe Biden to succeed him, and not somebody that won’t listen to Obama’s post presidential decisions. Obama wants to continue to act like president for the next 20 years after he has left office. Very hard for him. He though Joe was his ticket for the next 8 years. Now he has to wait on Michelle or his kids to get back in the driver’s seat.
But Obama worked behind the scenes to clear the path for Joe Biden to be the Democrat nominee. Moreover, there was a lot of fraud in 2020 to put Joe into the presidency.
See articles on Election Fraud
- Democrat Fraud and Deliberate Treason
- Stuffing the Ballot Boxes
- Attorney on MI Dominion voting machines: 68% error rate in counting ballots
- Past Election Fraud
- When does an election result change because of fraud
- Fraud Evidences in the 2020 Election
- China owns DOMINION Voting Machines
- Analyzing for Illegal Ballots
- How to hack an Election Machine
- 2020 Election Integrity – A Snapshot Showing Where We Stand
But nonetheless, Joe Biden got into office. If we are to believe the Democrat talking points, Joe won the election fair and square. Okay. He did not, but in America, people are elected for a set amount of time, and then they have to win another election to continue in office. Elections are examined to prevent election fraud the next time. So if the system which makes the elections fair and just is corrupted, we fix the system, put up with the fraud for his time, and the next time around we block that fraud. That is really the American system.
The whole point here is to understand that the “we the people” decide elections, not “we the elite”. But what we are seeing is that the will of the voters is not respected. There are party leaders who want to high jack the party, the election process, and make the decisions for everybody, and everybody has to just ignore what they, the majority want, because some few are more important than the rest.
If you rig your primary so that your (the elite’s choice at that moment) guy wins because everybody else’s candidates are blocked from any kind of fair election in the primary, then that will come back to haunt you. That is what has happened to the Democrat party this election. They (Obama and his crowd of elites, like Schummer and Pelosi), but there is a point here to see. They are never too old to control and be in power and to steal. Diane Feinstein is a good example. They had to wheel her into the Senate to vote the last times she voted. Was she too old? For an elite, there is no such point in life. For America, yes, e.g. Joe Biden’s June debate with Trump.
The Problem of the June Debate
The problem of the June Debate was not that Joe Biden is too old, too slow on using his mind, too shattered in his daily awareness to understand issues or worse to make unilateral government decisions, but the problem was that the Democrats were/using Joe Biden as a puppet. What the June Debate revealed is that Joe Biden has been in a state where he “is not there” mentally such that, the last few years as president, suddenly revealed this state of Joe, and it is now “out in the open”. We go back in time and try to understand exactly how long Joe has not been fully there, and guess what, it goes way back years.
So there should be safeguards on this happening, where are they? His staff, the politicians in Congress that work with him regularly (the majority being Democrats) are that safeguard. They used him as a rubber stamp, not getting his approval for what they wanted, but ordering him to stamp everything they wanted to push throw. So where were the Republicans? Mitch McConnell is in the same state as Joe Biden. While Biden is bad, Mitch McConnell has frozen up in a public speech, so that is even worse than Biden! If you go down more, the Republican controlled House is fighting over the speaker, and it appears that whoever is in the speaker of the House position, he will soon be pushed out. That has to stop. But they let this go on for too long.
Democrats want puppets
But all of this is the responsibility primarily of the Democrat party. They want puppets. They want to control the President and the Congress. But the “they” in that sentence is probably Democrat movers and shakers that are not so much in the limelight themselves. Obama is supposedly not active in government after finishing his terms. But few people in the know of what is going on believe that. Nancy Pelosi is no longer speaker, but she is not done in government either.
What they bought, make them eat it
When I was growing up, we had a rule in our house. If you put it on your plate, you have to eat it. My parents grew up in the depression. I think that Joe Biden should be the Democrat candidate for president. If they rigged their primary, make them eat it! In other words, what the majority of the Democrat voters in that party voted for, give it to them. This is what the Democrat elites are trying to fix now with Kamala Harris. But again, Kamala is a poison pill VP for Biden. Nobody wants to impeach Biden because that would push Kamala into his spot, and nobody in their right mind wants Kamala. She cannot even speak English correctly, so that people can understand her! In the world of politics, people wonder how she even exists with her mental and speech problems? Some answer because she knows how to have sex to get ahead in politics. Yes, that would explain it.
But they will push Kamala, or some other unknown Democrat candidate (that is not Kennedy because they cannot control him). Kennedy is an interesting person. He has shown himself in Congress as asking questions that probe the falsity of what is going on. For that reason alone, he is toxic to Democrats. They cannot have somebody like that in the Oval Office. That is their fear of Trump. After Trump, whether Trump wins a second and final term, or he is too old, Kennedy will be around and line up for President. The Democrats will slaughter him every way possible to keep him out of office. But this will force him to leave the party and start a new party (old Democrats will go to him) or become Republican. Kennedy is not of the moral mindset of a Republican, so there is a real problem with Republicans backing him. They have been knived in the back too many times with Rhino Republicans to accept such a politician.
An Overview of the Democrat Party
But if we look back over the past 20 years, things are not so pretty in the Democrat party. Bill Clinton is a sexual pervert. But for all that he did wrong, the Democrats tried to teach America, don’t look at the sex side of a politician, but rather what he does in office, his record. Focus on that even if he lies directly in sworn testimony to Congress. So is that a principle that they follow when looking at Trump’s sexual problems in the past? America appears to have accepted that argument of the Democrats for Clinton and apply it now to Trump. This infuriates the Democrats!
We look at Barak Obama. He wants to be king of America. He turned executive orders into his royal septre to make any rule law as he wants. That is being a dictator. That is what Joe Biden took as a given, and entered office his first year with some 77 executive orders. (see But now the Democrats do not want Republican presidents to be able to use executive orders. Yes, that is called a dictatorship by Democrats.
Throwing Joe Biden Under the Bus
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