Category: Illegal Aliens

Why Don't we have Pity on the Poor Illegals? Examines why Americans should not pity illegal aliens, nor aid or protect them.

Why Don’t we have Pity on the Poor Illegals?

Why Don’t we have Pity on the Poor Illegals? Examines why Americans should not pity illegal aliens, nor aid or protect them.

Should we heed calls to help illegal aliens? We examine the religious appeal people use to help illegal aliens.

Should we heed calls to help illegal aliens?

Should we heed calls to help illegal aliens? We examine the religious appeal people use to help illegal aliens.

When People Force their way in to Spoil the Bible position about people who force their way into somebody else's house to take and spoil.

When People Force their way in to Spoil

When People Force their way in to Spoil examines the Bible position about people who force their way into somebody else’s house to take and spoil.

The Real Problem with Illegal Aliens explains an in-depth view of this problem, understanding the thinking of politicians and the foreigners.

The Real Problem with Illegal Aliens

The Real Problem with Illegal Aliens explains an in-depth view of this problem, understanding the thinking of politicians and the

How much do we really want to give away? I look biblically at charity, and what limits should we understand on our charity as a country.

How much do we really want to give away?

How much do we really want to give away? I look biblically at charity, and what limits should we understand on our charity as a country.

Illegal Immigration and Health Issues examines the true problem behind illegal foreigners bringing in diseases which infects farm livestock.

Illegal Immigration and Health Issues

Illegal Immigration and Health Issues examines the true problem behind illegal foreigners bringing in diseases which infects farm livestock.

The Mindset of a Typical Illegal Alien is an article with thoughts on what motives an illegal alien to cross the border illegally into another country.

The Mindset of a Typical Illegal Alien

The Mindset of a Typical Illegal Alien is an article with thoughts on what motives an illegal alien to cross the border illegally into another country.

Democrats and their Nanny State Mindset is a post about how the Democrats approach governing, and why it fails and is wrong.

Democrats and their Nanny State Mindset

Democrats and their Nanny State Mindset is a post about how the Democrats approach governing, and why it fails and is wrong.

Migrants have a Home to go to, Veterans don't is an opinion piece about the unfairness of taking aid from veterans, US citizens to give to illegal aliens.

Migrants have a Home to go to, Veterans don’t

Migrants have a Home to go to, Veterans don’t is an opinion piece about the unfairness of taking aid from veterans, US citizens to give to illegal aliens.

Migrants come from messed up countries is an article about musings on where all these immigrants are coming from and what they are bringing with them to America.

Migrants come from Messed up countries

Migrants come from messed up countries is an article about musings on where all these immigrants are coming from and what they are bringing with them to America.

Can Immigrants Vote in our Federal Elections examines immigrants voting in our Federal Elections and Joe Biden's actions for Open Borders.

Can Immigrants Vote in our Federal Elections

Can Immigrants Vote in our Federal Elections examines immigrants voting in our Federal Elections and Joe Bidens actions for Open Borders.

Chicago wants to give the vote to Illegal Immigrants explains that this idea of Mayor Johnson is against the principles of our Constitution.

Chicago wants to give the vote to Illegal Immigrants

Chicago wants to give the vote to Illegal Immigrants, explains that this idea of Mayor Johnson is pushing the ruin of our country.