Kamala Flip-Flops on EV Cars

Kamala Flip-Flops on EV Cars Will Kamala Harris change her position yet again if she is elected president? How can we trust somebody whose statements mean nothing?

Kamala Flip-Flops on EV Cars Will Kamala Harris change her position yet again if she is elected president? How can we trust somebody whose statements mean nothing?

This post is my reaction on the following news article:
Kamala Harris Abruptly Shifts Position On Electric Vehicles (msn.com)

So Kamala has now done a 180 with her position on pushing EVs Electric Vehicles. Is that really a good thing? Some may say that she has finally come around to a good position on EVs. I say no. There are deeper problems here that what her position is “now“.

A Piece of Straw that Waves in the Wind is no Position at All

The first problem here is not that she “has finally seen the light”, but that she has no backbone. If she supported Joe Biden’s four years of foisting EVs on America and never said a word to stop that, she is not a political figure that actually has a position on anything. When people are moved back and forth to one extreme position then to another by popular demand, they cannot be trusted in elected office. That is the problem here.

Kamala lies to get Elected

The root problem with Kamala is what we have seen for many years with politicians on all sides. This problem is that politicians will say anything just to get elected. As an auxiliary problem, they let popular opinion change their minds. But as soon as one group voices outrage at something, then another opposing group voices even more outrage, and then milk toast politician will flip-flop. Kamala is showing America exactly this behavior.

See Carney on ‘Kudlow’: The Relentless Lies of Kamala Harris

Kamala’s problem is not that she is for or against EVs, her problem is that she has no backbone, and a covetous desire for power is no substitute for backbone.

If we compare Donald Trump to Kamala, he does listen to the voice of America, but his positions are rarely changing from when he started all his political career.

See Kamala: Once a Radical, Always a Radical

Kamala is proposed to be the Solution to America’s present problems

But isn’t Kamala ending 4 years of political power? She is in elected office and she has caused these present problems. Why or how can she fix them now when she has not even confessed to her being the cause of them?


The Deeper Problem

But there is a deeper problem in what we are witnessing as the Kamala Campaign continues forward, and this problem is one that the Democrat party now has in critical condition. This problem is that they are making policy decisions without studying the effects or real science behind what they are saying. In other words, the trans movement has sunk deep into Democrat thinking and practice.

A man cannot change his chromosomes in order to be a woman. Since his sex is determined by his chromosomes, as well as a woman’s, there is no way to change that. Because of the particular chromosomes that a person has, they either can or cannot bear a child. You can put lipstick on a pig, but a pig, it remains.

What we spend our tax dollars on should not be up to what is popular. Here the problem gets “stickier”. The Democrats give away the taxpayer’s dollars in order to get into political office and to stay there. That is wrong and should be stopped. But the point here is that they are using their political power to get and stay in office. They are promising and getting the Federal government to give away things that should not be done.

Now the black and Hispanic communities (Hispanics which have gotten citizenship) are turning from the Democrat Party because the Dems are giving away Federal money earmarked for them to illegal aliens. What is even more galling is that they are even more generous that when they gave that money to the blacks and Hispanics. They were buying votes, and now the illegals are replacing citizen voters with illegals. The black vote and the Hispanic US citizens vote are being diluted because of the illegals voting.

The Process of Making Laws

The process of making laws in our country is slow. That is on purpose. The politician who makes a proposition for a law needs to thoroughly study how the law should work, and its effects. When that politician presents his plan to Congress, the opposition party need to study it and observe and object to problems in that plan.

Joe Biden Never Showed His True Colors BEFORE Being Elected

What was Joe Biden’s position on EVs before the election? It was not even a major point. What was his position on fossil fuels? Again, nobody heard that pushed in the pre-elect rhetoric from Biden. Getting into power, Joe Biden declared a war on fossil fuel. The economy tanked and hasn’t recuperated even now. So this is the new “norm” for Democrats. Say anything to get into office, and then go liberal and off the deep end once in office. They “flip-flop” on issues. Is Kamala for or against fracking? The answer has to be pre-election or post-election. Because her positions change like the wind.

Do we really want somebody so little responsibility? Do we need more problems? Will Kamala Harris cause chaos because she is a puppet, and we do not know who is pulling her strings? If she wins, how drastically will she change from the day before the election to the day after?

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Author: Pastor Dave

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