Category: Democrat Party

Biden is President of only the Democrat part of America

Biden is President of only the Democrat part of America

Biden is President of only the Democrat part of America explains where the Democrats have gone wrong.

Be careful wishing for an Insurrection. Democrats faked an insurrection by Republicans on J6, now they look like they are going to get one for real in August in their Convention.

Be careful wishing for an Insurrection

Be careful wishing for an Insurrection. Democrats faked an insurrection by Republicans on J6, now they look like they are going to get one for real in August in their Convention.

Democrats and their Nanny State Mindset is a post about how the Democrats approach governing, and why it fails and is wrong.

Democrats and their Nanny State Mindset

Democrats and their Nanny State Mindset is a post about how the Democrats approach governing, and why it fails and is wrong.

Democrats Rob Blacks and Hispanics observes how the Democrat Party has betrayed those who they counted as their own, Blacks and Hispanics

Democrats Rob Blacks and Hispanics

Democrats Rob Blacks and Hispanics observes how the Democrat Party has betrayed those who they counted as their own, Blacks and Hispanics

The Democrats dance with Fantasy versus Reality examines how reality comes hard to bear when people live in their own fantasies and reject reality.

The Democrats dance with Fantasy versus Reality

The Democrats dance with Fantasy versus Reality examines how reality comes hard to bear when people live in their own fantasies and reject reality.

Chicago wants to give the vote to Illegal Immigrants explains that this idea of Mayor Johnson is against the principles of our Constitution.

Chicago wants to give the vote to Illegal Immigrants

Chicago wants to give the vote to Illegal Immigrants, explains that this idea of Mayor Johnson is pushing the ruin of our country.

Chicago Governments Stores This post is a reaction to what I read in the news about Mayor Brandon Johnson's plan to solve crime in Chicago.

Chicago Governments Stores

Chicago Governments Stores This post is a reaction to what I read in the news about Mayor Brandon Johnson’s plan to solve crime in Chicago.

The Democrat concept of Governing

The Democrat concept of Governing

The Democrat concept of Governing is a discussion of how the Democrat party has bad governance practices as a rule.

Democrats Scaring Voters into Submission

Democrats Scaring Voters into Submission

Democrats Scaring Voters into Submission is about how Democrats want to motivate voters to vote from their candidates out of fear rather than having good policies.

Democrat Failures Approaching 2022 Midterms

Democrat Failures Approaching 2022 Midterms

Democrat Failures Approaching 2022 Midterms is an overview and possible scenario for what the Democrats will do after the November 2022 midterm elections.

Democrat Landmark High Inflation

Democrat Landmark High Inflation

Democrat Landmark High Inflation is a short article on party policies and their real effect on us.

Putting Blacks back into Slavery

Putting Blacks back into Slavery

Putting Blacks back into Slavery is a article about how the Democrats use black voters for their own purposes and will return them to slavery

Democrats punishment the Deplorables

Democrats punishment of the Deplorables

Democrats punishment the Deplorables explores how the Democrats mistreat their opponents or others that stand in their way.

Democrat politicians are cowards

Democrat politicians are cowards

Democrat politicians are cowards is an opinion by David Cox observing that in many situations it is clear to see the cowardliness of Democrat politicians.

Democrat Tactics against Conservative Organizing

Democrat Tactics against Conservative Organizing

Democrat Tactics against Conservative Organizing is an observation about how Democrats are fighting the Trump Conservative movement.

Unfair Democrat Practices and Laws

Unfair Democrat Practices and Laws

Unfair Democrat Practices and Laws is an opinion piece about Trump’s repeal of the SALT exception in US income taxes, and the Democrat restoring it.

Biden Unity Hypocrisy

Biden Unity Hypocrisy

Biden Unity Hypocrisy is an opinion piece about the Democrats Biden false claim of wanting unity.