Good Sources
Is Global Warming Happening?
Is Global Warming Happening? Is Climate changing really happening the way the spin experts are saying? No. There is the common ups and downs of weather happening which always happen, but no global warning.
President Donald Trump
President Donald Trump profile of his personal details and activities and positions.
Adam Schiff
Adam Schiff profile. On this page we will give background information and recent news events on Adam Schiff, and his activities and positions.
Constitution Overview
Constitution Overview is an overview of how our Constitution should be related to political and legal activity in our country.
Is White Supremacy Valid, Right?
Is White Supremacy Valid, Right? is an opinion by David Cox clarifying the difference between White Supremacy (like KKK, Arian nation, etc) versus the color of skin you were born with.
Robert Byrd’s relationship with the KKK
Robert Byrd’s relationship with the KKK is a clarification about Joe Biden’s friend Robert Byrd and his relationship with the KKK.
President Trump’s Victories continued #3
President Trump’s Victories continued #3 is a continuation of the accomplishments of President Trump.
Complaints Trump will continue in Politics
Complaints Trump will continue in Politics coming from the Democrats are truly hypocritical.
Trump as a One-Term President Would Become DC’s Nightmare updated!
Trump as a One-Term President Would Become DC’s Nightmare is my analysis of Mr. J.B. Shurk’s article from American Thinker.
George Soros Puppeteer
George Soros Puppeteer. George Soros has been behind a tremendous amount of election illegal and doubtful actions, and this is just the latest in his long life of taking advantage of other people’s disadvantages.
Welcome What is Conservative News About?
Welcome What is Conservative News About? is about connecting and reporting on the news and events from a conservative point…
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