Category: Positions

Trickle Down versus Bidens Not a Drop is a post on thoughts about what the difference between the two "economics" really is, and what is good and bad about it.

Trickle Down versus Bidens Not a Drop

Trickle Down versus Bidens Not a Drop is a post on thoughts about what the difference between the two “economics” really is, and what is good and bad about it.

The Homelessness Problem

The Homelessness Problem

The Homelessness Problem is an opinion piece by David Cox on the blight of homelessness in our modern society.

When will Hollywood practice Gun and Violence Control?

When will Hollywood practice Gun and Violence Control?

When will Hollywood practice Gun and Violence Control? Hollywood is the principle agent responsible for introducing influences of guns harming others and violence.

Embracing Universal Truth

Embracing Universal Truth

Embracing Universal Truth is an editorial by Pastor David Cox on society’s embracing the truth, what it is, what it is not.

The Hypocrisy of Global Warming Freaks

The Hypocrisy of Global Warming Freaks

The Hypocrisy of Global Warming Freaks reveals the fraud and hypocrisy of those proclaiming global climate warming.

Let Biden take a public bus

Let Biden take a public bus

Let Biden take a public bus is an opinion piece about the hypocrisy of Democrats (and Republicans and Hollywood) in prescribing a restricted lifestyle for the peons and luxury for themselves.

Democrat war on the Traditional Family

Democrat war on Traditional Family

Democrat war on the Traditional Family is an opinion piece about what the Democrats’ true position is towards the traditional family.

Which is it, Global Cooling or Global Warming?

Which is it, Global Cooling or Global Warming?

Which is it, Global Cooling or Global Warming? is an examination of the Greenies mantra of Global Climate Change.

You will buy an Electric car

You will buy an Electric car

You will buy an Electric car this analysis looks at the push to make people buy and use electric vehicles.

Abortion: A Difficult Decision

Abortion: A Difficult Decision

Abortion: A Difficult Decision is a post about the difficulty of making the abortion decision, and that in and of itself means that it is wrong to have an abortion.

Illegally Crossing America's Border is an except from a newsletter about what happens when you cross other countries border versus the United States border.

Illegally Crossing America’s Border

Illegally Crossing America’s Border is an except from a newsletter about what happens when you cross other countries border versus the United States border.

United States Immigration (and Illegals)

United States Immigration (and Illegals)

United States Immigration (and Illegals) is an opinion piece on some of my thoughts on immigration going on in the United States at the moment.

Shadow Police are what Democrats want

Shadow Police are what Democrats want

Shadow Police are what Democrats want is an opinion about inefficient police which are the target of Democrats.

Who Really Destroys the Earth?

Who Really Destroys the Earth?

Who Really Destroys the Earth? is an editorial opinion piece on the overview of who is destroying the earth.

African Presidents reject Homosexuals and Transgenders

African Presidents reject Homosexuals and Transgenders

African Presidents reject Homosexuals and Transgenders is a post with my comments on this YouTube video.

Joe Biden strives to tank the World Economy

Joe Biden strives to tank the World Economy

Joe Biden strives to tank the World Economy is a commentary about Joe Biden’s actions in relation to the world economy.

The Democrat concept of Governing

The Democrat concept of Governing

The Democrat concept of Governing is a discussion of how the Democrat party has bad governance practices as a rule.

Greta Thunberg and Global Warming

Greta Thunberg and Global Warming

Greta Thunberg and Global Warming is an analysis of what Greta Thunberg really represents in the issue of Climate Climate Change.