Category: Positions

Under what Flag do you March?

Under what Flag do you March?

Under what Flag do you March? is a Christian tract that bears on our society, the telling and living of truth or living lies, moral impurities instead.

The Immigration that Destroys our Country

The Immigration that Destroys our Country

The Immigration that Destroys our Country is an honest and balanced viewpoint about both good and bad immigration into the US and what both does.

Abortion News and Articles

Abortion News and Articles

Abortion News and Articles is an index page to articles on this website (and others) about abortion as well as news articles concerning Abortion. (I am prolife)

Biden's Border Immigration Policy

Biden’s Border Immigration Policy

Biden’s BorderWhat happened to Biden’s Border Immigration Policy? What went wrong with his great plan? Over of the Democratic Immigration Policy. Immigration Policy

Latins for Trump Reelect Him!

Latins for Trump Reelect Him!

Latins for Trump Reelect Him! is an opinion about how the Democrats miscalculate the Latin vote in their plans and propaganda.

Kamala Harris Headlines

Kamala Harris Headlines

Kamala Harris Headlines is a link listing page for news articles on Kamala Harris. These change as I add new link to this topic.

Democrat Gun Control Legislation

Democrat Gun Control Legislation

Democrat Gun Control Legislation is an article (opinion piece) by David Cox about the Democrat Gun Control thinking and their attempts to eliminate guns.

What do actors say matter?

What do actors say matter?

What do actors say matter? is an opinion piece on actors and actresses making declarations and telling the general public what is right and wrong morally in our country.

Biden’s Transition Has Been a Flaming Disaster so far

Biden’s Transition Has Been a Flaming Disaster so far

Biden’s Transition Has Been a Flaming Disaster is a news article about the failures of Joe Biden and his 2020 presidential “win” even before he has been installed.

Biden Unity Hypocrisy

Biden Unity Hypocrisy

Biden Unity Hypocrisy is an opinion piece about the Democrats Biden false claim of wanting unity.

Is Global Warming Happening?

Is Global Warming Happening?

Is Global Warming Happening? Is Climate changing really happening the way the spin experts are saying? No. There is the common ups and downs of weather happening which always happen, but no global warning.

Is White Supremacy Valid Right?

Is White Supremacy Valid, Right?

Is White Supremacy Valid, Right? is an opinion by David Cox clarifying the difference between White Supremacy (like KKK, Arian nation, etc) versus the color of skin you were born with.