Tag: gadsr

What is wrong with our Political Parties?

What is wrong with our Political Parties?

What is wrong with our Political Parties? analyzes our current political system and the problems in it, with it, taking both parties to task.

The Messianic Character of Government

The Messianic Character of Government

The Messianic Character of Government is a study on how government seeks to become the “savior” of its people and the world.

Queen Pelosi has replaced our Constitution

Queen Pelosi has replaced our Constitution

Queen Pelosi has replaced our Constitution is an opinion piece explaining where the Congress is now directed by Pelosi, not its own laws and the Constitution of the United States.

China owns DOMINION Voting Machines

China owns DOMINION Voting Machines

China owns DOMINION, and controls all the officials who run the machines at every level of US government. You think they will give Trump a fair shake and not help out “their boy” Biden?

Analyzing for Illegal Ballots

Analyzing for Illegal Ballots

Analyzing for Illegal Ballots is an article with  an technology expert Jovan Hutton Pulitzer, who explains how, with access to the physical ballots and the digital ballots in their native, unencrypted format, his team can process millions of ballots per day and determine conclusively which ballots are illegitimate. 

Industrious pay for the Lazies' Luxuries

Industrious pay for the Lazies’ Luxuries

Industrious pay for the Lazies’ Luxuries there are two classes of states those industrious ones, and lazy ones.

How to hack an Election Machine

How to hack an Election Machine

How to hack an Election Machine is a by a university professor. Very easy.

Trumps Remain in Mexico Round Two

Trumps Remain in Mexico Round Two

Trumps Remain in Mexico Round Two are my comments about President Biden’s return to President Trump’s Remain in Mexico policy.

Why Illegal Immigration is Wrong

Why Illegal Immigration is Wrong

Why Illegal Immigration is Wrong is an explanation as a Christian why we are against illegal aliens entering and working illegally.

AOC wants to be America's Dictator-Queen

AOC wants to be America’s Dictator-Queen

AOC wants to be America’s Dictator-Queen looks at the dictator in the heart of every Democrat.

Whose energy crisis are we in?

Whose energy crisis are we in?

Whose energy crisis are we in? is a frank discussion of the root sources of the present energy crisis the United States is experiencing.

Forming a Biblical Attitude towards the Poor

Forming a Biblical Attitude towards the Poor

Forming a Biblical Attitude towards the Poor explains some concepts that we should follow when dealing with the poor, especially through government programs.

2020 Election Integrity – A Snapshot Showing Where We Stand

2020 Election Integrity – A Snapshot Showing Where We Stand

2020 Election Integrity – A Snapshot Showing Where We Stand is a conservative overview of what is going on and where we stand.

Biden & Trumps Remain in Mexico

Biden & Trumps Remain in Mexico

Biden & Trumps Remain in Mexico is an editorial article on the Federal Judge reinstating Trump’s remain in Mexico law.

Do Masks really Help?

Do Masks really Help?

Do Masks really Help? In this opinion piece I want to examine if masks are really effective and necessary or are they just another restriction by certain people in charge to show their power over other people.

Biden is President of only the Democrat part of America

Biden is President of only the Democrat part of America

Biden is President of only the Democrat part of America explains where the Democrats have gone wrong.

Why Blacks are turning Republican is a commentary on a fascinating and blatant truth speaking black woman's rage against the Democrat party.

Why Blacks are turning Republican

Why Blacks are turning Republican is a commentary on a fascinating and blatant truth speaking black woman’s rage against the Democrat party.

Why do we love or hate our presidents?

Why do we love or hate our presidents?

Why do we love or hate our presidents? I reflect on why we like or dislike presidents and why we should do so more intelligently in the current day.

Washing Machines versus Marijuana

Washing Machines versus Marijuana

Washing Machines versus Marijuana is an analysis of the way things work in our day and age, and how things bend toward our desires, not our best.

Why Democrats always fight with Inflation

Why Democrats always fight with Inflation, Democrat overspending always causes inflation, because they spend what they don’t have.