Good Sources
Category: Opinions and Editorials
These posts are articles expressing the opinions of David Cox.
Forming a Biblical Attitude towards the Poor
Forming a Biblical Attitude towards the Poor explains some concepts that we should follow when dealing with the poor, especially through government programs.
Are we a country of Laws?
Are we a country of Laws? Is an examination of the question of we are a country of laws, and nobody is above the law, and what is really happening in our country.
Why Homosexuals are Aggressive?
Why Homosexuals are Aggressive is an opinion piece examining homosexuality and their sexual aggressiveness in the light of Scripture.
Diligence versus laziness
Study on Diligence versus laziness is a Bible study on diligence and industry versus laziness as it applies to government and their handouts to people.
How hard work relates to our expectations from government
How hard work relates to our expectations from government, because a healthy attitude towards work prevents us from becoming slaves to government give-aways.
What is wrong with our Political Parties?
What is wrong with our Political Parties? analyzes our current political system and the problems in it, with it, taking both parties to task.
The Messianic Character of Government
The Messianic Character of Government is a study on how government seeks to become the “savior” of its people and the world.
Industrious pay for the Lazies’ Luxuries
Industrious pay for the Lazies’ Luxuries there are two classes of states those industrious ones, and lazy ones.
Why do we love or hate our presidents?
Why do we love or hate our presidents? I reflect on why we like or dislike presidents and why we should do so more intelligently in the current day.
Washing Machines versus Marijuana
Washing Machines versus Marijuana is an analysis of the way things work in our day and age, and how things bend toward our desires, not our best.
Is your body under your control?
Is your body under your control? is an opinion discussion of abortion, vaccinations, and your rights over your own body.
The Reality of Truth versus the unreliability of Lies
The Reality of Truth versus the unreliability of Lies explains how reality verifies truth, yet lies are unreliable, and do not correspond to reality.
Understanding Narcissistic People
Understanding Narcissistic People are people that worship themselves, and people who do not understand love, which is a characteristic of God.
Why people want to Ruin the United States
Why people want to Ruin the United States is an opinion piece on why there are people who hate and want to ruin the United States.
National Envy of Righteousness
National Envy of Righteousness is an opinion piece contrasting godly government and principles (laws) versus ungodly governments and crime.
Embracing Universal Truth
Embracing Universal Truth is an editorial by Pastor David Cox on society’s embracing the truth, what it is, what it is not.
Why Christians refrain from being Democrats
Why Christians refrain from being Democrats is an opinion piece on the issues for Christians with the general Democrat positions.
News we would like to See
News we would like to See is a dream piece about the kind of news articles we would love to see some day hit the regular news cycle.
Why True Democracy slips through our Fingers
Why True Democracy slips through our Fingers the points of national failure in maintaining our country true to its founding principles.
Balance and Fairness in the News
Balance and Fairness in the News is an opinion by David Cox on wanting to see balance and fairness in the news on what is going on in the world.
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